Saturday 7 July 2018

Another day on our own!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty Babe!

Well, it's been a day of surprises, sort of!

On our morning walk Old Two Legs got a shot of a Red Darter who was having a rest before setting off on the day long mating flight!

I'm sure I'll be lucky today!
 Although t he sun was well up before we got to the coast, OTL did manage to get this picture with the sun hiding behind the tree.

Another one of his ethereal shots!

We love a touch of the ethereals!
 Of course, once he got beyond the tree the sun blasted down and another hot day had started!

Just feel that sun!
So it was a little earlier than yesterday The Missus, Old Two Legs and Alun & Glynis set off for the Kent Show leaving Holly, the ferrets and me to guard the house. Auntie Sheila dropped in to say hello and make sure we hadn't wrecked the house!

Earlier than we expected they were all back again saying it was just too hot!

OTL took one of his 'Artistic' shots of the steam engines chimney stack getting all warmed up ready for the show.

I'll huff and I'll puff until I'm good and ready!
 TM got all excited when she found one of Lewis Hamilton's 2018 racing cars on show! OK, so it didn't have an engine or a gear box installed, however it was the real thing!

TM had a chat with one of the Mercedes staff on the stand and got loads of information about the car and the cost of things. Like, the steering wheel with all the buttons and stuff cost around fifty thousand pounds!

Better tell Lewis not to throw it next time he gets in a paddy!

TM getting close to a Silver Arrow!
 Of course, they dropped into the Harrietsham Ferret Rescue stand and said 'Hello' to Roy and Chris and OTL also said hello to the family of ferrets he saw a short while ago on the day they found their way to Roy and Chris's care.

They were tiny little things only just opened their eyes!

Now look at them!

This lad is licking the ferret oil off the back of Roy's hand!
We were told that this years Ferret Show would be held on 24th November at the Harrietsham Village Hall, so we had better get all of the ferrets looking their best by then!

Now, how about this for a 'Progress Step', OTL went into the office where the ferrets live and checked them over and when he got to Monty and Wendy's cage he found both ferrets curled up in the same cuddle cup!

Now we don't know if Monty crept in while she was sleeping or she crept in while he was sleeping but OTL reckons it was Monty who got all brave!

Things are looking good!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty Babe.


  1. Yo maties. Wot another day on your own???? Well I'm glad they came back early at least. I bet you were glad to see Auntie Sheila today. Well that is very good news that Wendy and Monty were in the same cuddle cup snoozing. Now I've had an interesting day, my mum was on the sofa today and she felt something on her arm, when she looked down she thought she saw a flea ...... now she tried to grab it but it fell off and landed on me ...... that was it, the inspection started, well she found it, out the window went tonto, she puts all my pets out the window. Next after a thorough inspection which didn't reveal anymore pets, I was plonked in the bath and rubbed and scrubbed to an inch of my life. All day long I've been subjected to close inspections, no other pets have come to light so my mum reckons it might have been a stray that I picked up at the vets yesterday, seeing as how she put flea stuff on me a couple of weeks ago. She's even spoken to my groomer via faceache who is coming home from Cyprus tomorrow to let her know that if she has any cancellations, I'm free for a grooming. Caroline reckons she has a cancellation on Tuesday so as far as the 2 evil women are concerned, I'm in for another rub and scrub very soon. My boy went into town today and brought me a present, now I'm not right overjoyed about it cos it's not edible ..... he's bought me a cool mat, well if they think I'm laying on it, they've both got another think coming cos at the moment, I'm not a happy chappie!!!!! Loved OTL's pictures today, specially his ethereal ones. Now wot good is a car with no engine or gear box, doesn't matter if it's got a steering wheel cos if it ain't going no where there's no point steering it but I'm glad that it made Mrs TM happy. We'll keep our paws crossed that the ferrets win when they get entered into the show. How is May's eye doing? My paw seems to be fine, I've not had any bother with it but I'm not happy about baby bum cream on it. I'm off for an early night cos I'm on guard duty very early tomorrow. Mind if someone breaks in they can take the bath!!!!!! You didn't say if you got any plawn clackers last night. Have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. What good news on Miss May and Monty and put the Harrietsham Rescue day in diary. So you and Holly have been in charge for two days now, I hope you get rewarded properly not just a bit of plawn quacker dropped on the floor! Lovely picture of the Red Darter, isn’t he clever to spot these insects, not sure about ethereal but each to his own. Now Lewis Hamilton was busy today getting pole position at Silverstone but nice of him to send along his car body for TM to see, I suppose he needed his steering wheel. Archie getting all jealous again and taking in pets, pity his mum doesn’t approve of his choice, perhaps an elephant or a monkey, that’s appropriate for him, yes a monkey. Have a lovely Sunday, keep cool and don’t go taking in any pets yourself xxxxxx
