Sunday 13 January 2019

If he thinks I'm getting in there he can think again!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret here!

Ever get one of those days when it looks like nothing will happen and then by the time the day is over all manner of stuff has happened?

We had one of those days today!

It started off first thing this morning, Sunday, Old Two Legs was up before six. He said it was the snoring but there was only him in bed 'cos The Missus had got up at quarter past silly o clock!

So, Sunday morning, it's as black as a Newgate Knocker and we headed off for a walk while all the ferrets were curled up and snoring!

Yep! Miss Wendy was the loudest snore almost as loud as Holly Chops!

So, off we went expecting to see the normal crowd, like no one!

First we bumped into Cody and his mate, then there was some visiting bozo with a crazy looking poodle that had been crossed with a giraffe!

I mean, it had legs the size of goal posts!

That was it! No quiet stroll for us this morning!

Back home TM was crashing about in the bathroom giving it a clean and OTL noticed that the gissmo that held the shower head up was sort of drooping and hanging off the wall!

That was it, off to Bee & Queue clutching his wallet like it was about to be stolen!

Back he came with a new box of pipes and stuff that had TM oohing and arring like she had never seen a shower before!

We left her to it and headed off for our lunchtime walk.

Well, I reckon it's a rabbit!
There were some funny looking berries on the bushes, looking rather sad a unhappy, in fact they looked rather dead!

Better warn the birds about these!
Today we headed up and over the hill, nothing too exciting but it made a change to look  out over the sea.

Still looks grey out there!
Back home OTL started to assemble the new shower. He had gone all made and purchased one with two shower heads!

There was one that looked the size of a dustbin lid and the other was one of those hand held things. Now, we reckon that the big one was really meant for one of those Power Shower, you know, the one that blasts the sand off your back!

Well, he spent some time banging and bashing away until he had finally finished and then invited Holly and I in for an inspection.

We were not impressed!

When we get a was we have to suffer with a bucket of warm water and a scrub down with a Doggy Brush but this thing looks like we will be blasted into a corner and get jets of water blasted places where a little woofer should never get blasted!

In fact it was Holly that came up with the comment,

If he thinks I'm getting in there he can think again!

We shall see!

Bye for now!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret.


  1. Wotcha maties. Well I think Holly chops is very wise, in fact, I won't go into the bathroom cos I've been tricked before, I've gone in for a sniff and come out dripping!! You won't get me in one of them there rooms to do an inspection. This snoring lark, I bet you or Holly chops got the blame, like wot I do, now my mum snores but she says it's me doing it, keeping her awake and she's always waking me up telling me I'm snoring ....... wot a cheek. It's been quite cold here with a very sharp cold breeze so I've spent most of the day snuggled on the sofa under a fleece. My mum snuggled with me for a little while when she came home from work, but she said my ice cold nose was blowing red hot breath down her neck .......... you can't keep these TL's happy can you. I reckon them birds will pick the best berries and leave the sad old wrinkled ones on the stalks. Hope OTL's wallet didn't suffer too much at Bee and Queue. Have a lovely evening all, stay warm. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx p.s. I found a really nice stinky, rolly sniff today and had fun rolling in it :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Firstly, how did the shower get broken, who used it last, was it functioning properly last time it was used, it seems to me that TM does this cleaning lark and a new shower is needed. Better not let her use the cooker, OTL had better take on the cooking duties unless he wants to be off to the cooker shop, “Cookers Are Us”.
    It was cold when I went out and I told Michael to wear his coat or get a draught around his tail but he said only Daisy Dog need worry. I am sure the birds know what is good to eat and what is a no no just like you do. Maybe Monday morning you will get up and out at a respectable time and not before Dawn has put her coat on. Big hugs to all 28 paws and keep warm and out of the draughts. xxxxxx

  3. Flipping cold down south too . . . I was v naughty & didn't go out for a walk today . . . Although I did a lot of other things instead. . . Whichever CAN'T be right on a Sunday . .. it's meant to be a day of rest for goodness sake. Glad I didn't have to fix a shower tho!

    Happy sniffing tomorrow morning on your walk. I gotta do boring stuff like OTL tomorrow . . . Office Work! Xxx
