Monday 17 June 2019

We're Here!

Hi Woofers!

McDaisy, McHolly, MacMay, MacWendy, Eric McFerret and Monty Mac Ferret here!

Well, we have had some fun today. The trip up to Gretna was great, especially when we were pulling faces at the truck drivers! We sung our 'Archie Babe' song as we passed but we didn't hear anything, Holly reckons he was too busy chasing the vet around town!

We stopped at the Motorway Services where we normally stop, they are the only services that have a good woofer walking area where we can have a good sniff, wee and a poo!

Another advantage is we get to park up in the truck parking area, loads of space and enough grass for the ferrets to have a run!

It's good fun watching the truck drivers watching Old Two Legs walking the ferrets! They just didn't believe that Eric McFerret could blow a raspberry at them!

OTL didn't have time to take any photographs today.

Now, we are off to see if the Chinese Takeaway is open or are we stuck with battered sausage and chips!

We should arrive tomorrow around midday so we'll tell yoou more tomorrow!


McDaisy, McHolly, MacMay, MacWendy, Eric McFerret and Monty Mac Ferret.


  1. Yo McMaties. Well I was up at 4 and listening out for your car singing songs and wot did I hear? Nuffin!!! I thought you might of gone up the M1 instead of the A1 cos all was quiet around norf ertfordshire. I'm glad though you got there nice and early and I'll keep my paws crossed that the Chinese is open so you get some Mcplawn Mcclackers with some nice Mcflied lice. I bet them lorry drivers were ready to jump back in their cabs when they saw the ferrets ferreting about on the grass in the services, in case they chased after them and fancied climbing up their trouser legs. Have a lovely evening tonight and enjoy wot ever Mcmuggings you get. Hope the rest of the journey tomorrow is good. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Good news all round just need the Chinese to play ball and it will be a complete triumph. Those truck drivers must have had a tale to tell when they arrive at their destinations, great laugh. Have a lovely restful night and hear from you tomorrow. xxxxxx

  3. What? Truck drivers have never seen a ferret being taken for a walk? Call themselves well-travelled? They ain't seen nuffin!!!

    Happy travelling . . . stay safe. Hope the McPlawn Clackers were good. Xxx
