Saturday 3 August 2019

Lazy Day Today!

Hi Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!

Today The Missus headed off to the village hall again with all her mates to do some Heavy Duty Glue Slapping and Glitter Crunching!

Now, as far as we are concerned, that's all OK by us cos that means Old Two Legs gets all lazy and prefers to sit and play on the computer or watch some of the saved programs from the TV or today he has been listening to an audio book on the new iPlodicuss!

We had a look through the instruction manuals for the thing but when we all try to read it it looks like Double Dutch with bells on!

First thing this morning it wasn't very cloudy.

Well, it can get better or worse!
We were trotting along when OTL spotted a rose bush with a very strange growth on the branch. OTL reckons that some thing has planted some eggs in the branch and has made the rose grow a sort of cancer or canker, anyway, it looked worth taking a photo just for information's sake!

It could be an insect or even a spider that has done it.

We also met up with a couple of Bozo Woofers that say hello to OTL when ever they see him but one of them has got a funny habit of jumping up, spinning around and landing on her back for a good roll, even if there is nothing to roll in!

We do get to see some strange woofers!

She even does it on the carpet at home!
There was also a new flower, well, one we hadn't seen before and no, we don't know what it is!

Anyone got any ideas?

This afternoon was great, we spent most of the afternoon watching the Qualifying in the F1 Racing and at the same time OTL was listening to his audio book!

So, no gardening and no hair cut and shampoo, result!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!


  1. All in all you have had a very good day, nice walk, no rain, no shampoo and set and what’s more no turbo charged vacuum cleaner. I saw the pictures from the village hall, I must say that they have a good time there and although there was no mention of food it must have been lurking somewhere! New flower today and strange goings on on the rose bush, I don’t think you had better try the aerobatics at home you might flatten a ferret and that would be a calamity. Have a restful Sunday we are off to Mote Park for the afternoon xxxxxx

  2. Yo maties. Well sounds like you've had a lovely day with a well earned rest putting your paws up. I was up at the crack of dawn today so I went for my walk when my mum came home from work. While we were walking back home we found a woofer wot was lost and it ran in the road to come over to see me, then it started following me so my mum had a look on its collar to see if it had a tag. Well we found out it lived near us so we took it back to its house, my mum knocked on the door and the lady who lived there must have been in bed cos she came to the window and shouted down what ........... my mum said is that your dog and she said it was and came running down the stairs in her pjs. Me and my mum thought it was rather careless to lose your woofer when you're having a lay in, we wondered why the woofer wasn't having a lay in as well. Now that flower OTL took a picture of, my mum has some pictures of a flower that looks the same wot she took in Cyprus, she said she doesn't know the name of it but they are very pretty and they grow all over the place in Cyprus. We haven't seen anything like wots on that rose though. While I was on my walk I saw little Alfie, not Alfie wots coming to stay but the other Alfie who's very small and hairy, bit like me but he's black and brown and looks like a toy type woofer, he spotted me and he was trying to drag his TL faster up the road to get to me so we could have a sniff. Your ferrets would probably like little Alfie cos he's about the same size. Pleased to hear you didn't get rubbed and scrubbed again. Probably a good thing OTL has got his new iplod to take his mind off the grooming. Me and my mum saw the pictures from Mrs TM of all the ladies flinging the glue and shaking the glitter. Hope you all manage to put your paws up and have a good evening with a few tasty snackettes. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Ooh, ooh . . . I was so excited when I saw the canker thing in the plant as we noticed one on a hawthorn hedge near us a few days a go and . . . Would you believe it, we took a picture . . .it was the only one in the whole hedge. Am sending TM an email with photo. Never seen 1 before. We thought it might be a parasitic plant.

    Is the blue flower some type of Knautia?

    Off to check out Village Hall results.

    Hugs Sarn xxx

    1. The gall wasp Diplolepis Roasae makes this Rose bedeguar gall. The gall is known as Robin's Pincushion. Love the internet for info!

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