Sunday 17 November 2019

OTL is infected and it's TM fault!

Hi Woofers!

It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret again!

Well, it's been a 'Do Nothing Day' today.

We were out at the crack of dawn to a very cloudy sky and a grumbling Old Two Legs!

There we were, sniffing the sniffs and looking for rabbits but all we could hear was OTL mumbling 'It's all her fault'!

I'll tell you the story.
 Eight day ago The Missus was invited to go to the doctor to get an anti flu jab. She was told that she may feel 'Flu Like Symptons' and true to the warnings, she got what seemed like a dose of the flu.

Snotty, head ache, coughing and generally feeling grotty.

As she headed off for the weekends jollies the symptoms were decreasing and she was feeling better.

Friday OTL had the sniffles, Saturday OTL had the head ache and coughing and all today he has been feeling grotty.

We recon that he has caught the flu from TM when she had the anti flu jab!

OTL is not a happy puppy!

We have been sitting on the sofa with OTL giving him cuddles 'cos we don't get the flu but we have had to keep the ferrets away from OTL cos ferrets can catch the flu from Two Legs and it's just not the pressie you want to give a ferret!

OTL didn't take the camera out this morning as it was just too dark and at lunchtime it was too grey and miserable for any pictures!

Mind you, about half way around the walk Holly spotted two kites being flown by a family of TLs and the noise they made started Holly woofing her tail off!

Of course I joined in as well and at one point one kite almost crashed to ground, saved only by a Mini TL giving the string a sharp pull and it shot up into the sky again!

We haven't found any Grain Rocks for a few days, maybe they have all gone shopping for pots of paint!

We have just had a look at the calendar and see that next Friday OTL has to go for his Anti Flu Jab, providing he is well enough to go!

By the way, this morning OTL reports that both ferrets were play fighting after being let out of the cage, OTL says the were laughing and squeaking and then chasing each other!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well I'm very sorry to hear OTL isn't feeling well, that wasn't very nice of Mrs TM to give him the germs then go and leave him. Wot a good job he's got you and Holly chops to look after him and make him feel better. Maybe he should have a nip of something warming to chase the germs away. Good news about Wendy and Eric, seems that they both have found out it's better to be friends and snuggle buddies than fight. Is Mrs TM due home tonight? I don't like it when my mum goes out without me, she went up the shops today and my boy looked after me and cuddled me so that I didn't feel too neglected. Now my leg is feeling a lot better, it's still not quite right but I did manage to chase a squirrel across the garden, I'm still doing my guarding duty even though I'm a wounded soldier. I'm having an early night because of work tomorrow then I've got my mum all to myself until Friday. Today I've made an Xmas card for my vets, with a little bit of help from my mum, but not a lot. Hope you all have a lovely evening and hope OTL feels lots better very soon. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I wish OTL a speedy recovery.

    Good news about the ferrets being friends now.


  3. Sorry it was too late to write to you when I read yesterday’s Diary but wow you do look the business with your new hair cut, it suits you big time. Great news on the ferrets but what is this about OTL getting flu from TMs flu jab what will he manage with his own flu jab, the mind boggles. I think the Grain Rocks are getting makeovers ready for Christmas. Pleased for Archie and his poorly leg, take care little man or there will be no Christmas pressies for you while the bet is off to some far flung continent to be in the sun. Have good Mondays, TM home so make a big fuss of her because she deserves it and didn’t mean to infect OTL xxxxxx
