Monday 24 February 2020

Holly see's the vet!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

Well, after Holly's whining on Saturday night and Old Two Legs removing the bandaging from her paw, just in case it was too tight, last night was peaceful, loads of snoozing and snoring and that was just The Missus!

Holly was OK!

We are still being walked around the football field behind our house and to be honest, it's boring!

I'll be glad when Holly Chops is given permission to be off the lead and running about down the sea side!

It's a shame that Archie Babe is going to groomers, it's too cold and windy to get a haircut, even Old Two Legs has put off our butt shave until the end of the next month!

Just after our lunchtime wander around the football field, OTL gathered up Holly and took her to the vet!

"Well", says the vet, looking at Holly's paw. "I see you have chewed the bandage off!" Holly looked down at her paw.

OK, but it was a smallish bandage and it didn't taste very nice, honest!

"Umm" says the vet, "the paw looks clean and I see that OTL has been keeping it washed as well"

"OK, you can go but I want to see you in seven days and we will try to take the stitches out!"

Holly reckons that sounds painful and if it hurts, she will show the vet a clean set of teeth!

I don't know about you but it seems that the wind has been blowing for ages and the rain hasn't stopped either!

Still, we are all tucked up in our blankets and are nice and warm, so, it can blow all it likes!

I will be glad when we can go down the beach again but it looks like it will be at least seven days!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Tell Holly chops not to. Sorry about the stitches, it doesn't hurt when they come out, in fact it's a relief cos the itches stop. I've had stitches & I didn't even notice when they were taken out. Tell Holly she must'nt show the vet her feet cos the vet will remember next time she goes & will put a muzzle on her & she doesn't want that. Them vets has got long memories. Shame you can't go to the beach but I spose sand & stitches don't mix. Glad to hear you got a better snooze last night. It's been windy and rainy all day here, not nice at all. My boy has got the week off for time owed to him so it's wrestling time. I'm off to the groomers tomorrow just after lunch time, I don't want to go but my mum said I've got to. Hope you all have a good evening. Love, licks, wags & sniffs from little Arch & the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Tell Holly not to show the vet her teeth cause the vet will study them and may find something not quite exactly as it should be and want x-rays and investigation, just keep the mouth firmly shut and get out as soon as possible. Archie is right taking the stitches out will be a good thing. That wind is still blowing and the rain pitter patters down almost continuously, Michael is getting fed up with it because it stops him doing what he plans, honestly though I think if it was dry he would find a reason not to do those jobs.
    Let’s hope Holly’s paw continues to heal then you can get back to normal. xxxxxx

  3. Glad the vet gave Holly only a minor telling off and all is good with the poorly paw.

    I agree . . . it seems like all it's done for months is rain on us and push us around in the wind. Well it SEEMS like it, because THAT is what it HAS done for months! Sunny as I type . . . but only for a short spell. It rained on me as I left the office at lunchtime! Grrrr


  4. أرخص قوالب جبس للبيع في العراق

    دلل حمامك كما يجب ووفر له تجديدًا جميلًا مع طلاء عصري وشخصي! قوالب جبس للبيع
    قوالب جبس ستحب قضاء بعض الوقت كل صباح في غرفة الاسترخاء الجديدة المفضلة لديك. ولكن هل تعرف هذا الطلاء جيدا؟

    كم تكلفة الجص الزخرفية للحمام؟

    ما هي أنواع مختلفة من الطلاء الزخرفية للحمام؟ ما هي النصائح لتطبيق الجص الزخرفية؟ السعر والخصائص والأخطاء التي يجب تجنبها ، الاتجاه الزخرفي ، يشرح كل شيء عن هذا الطلاء المفضل ، قراءة جيدة!

    ابتعد عن الجدران التقليدية السلسة والموحدة من خلال تبني الجص المزخرف في الحمام. تأثير مادي يتم تخصيصه وفقًا لرغباتك باستخدام موسلين ، مشط ، مجرفة ، إسفنجة إلخ. لإلقاء نظرة الإغاثة الحديثة تماما.

    أرخص قوالب جبس للبيع في العراق

    طلاء تأثير ملموسة مشمع
    خرسانة مشمع عصرية وعصرية ، هي طلاء شائع للغاية في قوالب جبس جاهزة
    قوالب جبس للبيع في الامارات رواج في الديكور المعاصر للديكورات الداخلية. على الجدران ، ولكن أيضًا على الأرضيات أو على سطح العمل ، فهي مناسبة تمامًا في الحمام وفي مقصورة مقصورة دشنا. حساسة للتطبيق ، فمن الضروري أن تكون للتجارة أو لدعوة محترف.

    أرخص قوالب جبس للبيع في العراق

    امنح الهواء عطلة مع هذا الطلاء الزخرفي من خلال خلق جو قوالب جبس للبيع في مصر
    قوالب جبس للبيع في العراق متوسطي. يعتبر أرخص قوالب جبس للبيع في العراق هو الطلاء الأكثر تكلفة من الناحية التقليدية من ناحية السعر ، وهو من أصول مغربية تقليدية. إنه مقاوم للرطوبة بشكل خاص ، لذلك فهو مثالي للحمام ومنطقة الاستحمام.

    الجص أو طلاء الجص
    استنادا إلى الرخام والطوب ومسحوق الخ. هذا الطلاء المزخرف يمنح الجانب القديم لجدران وسقف حمامك. يوفر إمكانية صنع القوالب لإنشاء الحلي على سبيل المثال.
