Sunday 9 February 2020

No Sniffs thank you!

Hello Woofers!

Us back again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!

Now, I bet you were wondering where we had gone?

Let me tell you!

On Friday we were rushed out for a wee and a poo along the Sea Front, as normal but not normally with such haste!

Instead of retiring to our beds we were shoved into the back of the big car together with a load of craft stuff that The Missus normally takes up the village hall, only, we didn't go to the village hall and instaead we headed off onto the motorway!

It turns out that TM had booked a weekend away at a 'Retreat' where the do a load of glue slapping and glitter flinging!

So, there we were on the way up to Milton Keynes, a place Old Two Legs says he was always confused trying to find an works address when he was on the road as a sales rep.

Well, it didn't look too bad, but then, I wasn't driving and true to his word, he got confussed a couple of times before finding the Coinference Centre!

That was OK, off we went back home and because of the traffic jams on the M1 we didn't get home until late!

That's why we didn't blog on Friday!

Saturday comes and OTL get's a message from TL saying they were being thrown out of the Centre!

Well, says OTL, you shouldn't go on the booze and start making a nuisance in the building, running up and down the corridors and singing rude songs!

TM said she hadn't done that yet, but they were being thrown out 'cos a plane load of people were coming in from China and needed to stay in the hotel for two weeks quarantine to see if they had got that Coronavirus!

Well, we didn't want TM to get any of that stuff, so, off we went, all the way up to Milton Keynes to pick up TM and all her crafting stuff!

By the time we got back home it was just too late to upload a blog 'cos we were just too tired!

In two days we had driven four hundred miles and sat for ages in traffic jams on the motorway, boring or wot?

So, that's what happened yesterday!

Today the storm arrived and we got soaking wet, blown all over the place and got a bit worried 'cos the trees all sounded like a jet engine taking off!

When we got to the sea front, expecting high tide but instead of water up the sea wall, it was still out on the mud flat, the wind had pushed it back out to sea!

In the end we headed back home for a rub down with a Doggy Towel then back under the desck for a well earned snooze!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!

P.S. We have lost the Spellcheck on this thing, so pleese hexcuss any speeling mistooks!


  1. Yo maties. Well wot a weekend you've had. Mrs TM is very lucky to have a chauffeur like OTL. Mrs TM could have come & stayed with me and my mum and boy cos we're not far from Milton Keynes but we don't go there cos my mum says it's not very nice there. Fancy Mrs TM getting chucked out, I reckon she must have been aiming her glitter and glue at other ladies. You don't want no Chinese takeaways wot come with snotty noses. Mind perhaps a bit of glitter and glue might stop them getting snotty. Poor you, Holly and OTL having to do all that driving & getting stuck in jams. We've just seen the hotel on the news, it looks very nice. I suppose we should keep our paws crossed they all get well & it doesn't spread. The wind and rain has been horrible here today but I only sprinted out to do a wee. It's a wonder I didn't take off. My mum and my boy stayed in. Our garage roof is fixed now and we've got the poshest roof in the street. I didn't have to do much woofing at the roof chaps cos they worked so fast. Hope you all get to put your paws up after your busy weekend. Talking of paws, how is Holly chops wart. Have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags & sniffs from little Arch & the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Oh poor things all those miles and traffic, I wonder did TM and the others crafters actually get any crafting down? Sounds awful and I hope those people who replaced them in the hotel are all well. We went to Milton
    Keynes once when it was being built and before all the houses, parked up, noticed where we had parked, bought a Z-bed, back to where the car was supposed to be and it wasn’t there. We then discovered that the four sides were identical and I was left with the Z-bed while Michael walked around looking for the car. He then didn’t know whether to drive around looking for someone with a Z-bed or walk back to me and find the car again. No mobile phone in the “old days” just goes to show.
    Such a shame as I know TM enjoys those Retreats, they don’t come up often so let’s home she gets to do another soon.
    It has been very windy and damp here, I bet Archies mum is glad her roof has been done, so dark all day. Did TM see the cartoon picture of a man flying what looked like a kite until he pointed out that he was walking his woofer, you all keep your four paws on the ground, no accidental flying. You are forgiven for loosing the spelter cheque, I missed you xxxxxx ❣

  3. Eek . .. that weekend doesn't sound like a lot of fun . . . running up and down busy motorways. Fancy putting people from China in a hotel for quarantine purposes. Wouldn't want to work at THAT hotel would you?

    Sure was a raging storm down here yesterday. Me no likey AT ALL! Gonna be windy all week apparently.

    Glad you're all safe and sound. xxx
