Monday 16 March 2020

Holly got a limp!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

We have had a bit of a traumatic day today.

It started off yesterday when Holly started to limp on her rear left-hand leg. She was OK when she was just walking but as soon as she got into a trot, up would go the leg and she limped along on three legs.

This morning when Old Two Legs took us down the beach, the limp was not so bad but after she came home, it was back to limping when she walked!

Ring Ring, 'Hello, this is the Vet!'

That was it, an appointment for an hours’ time and off she goes on her own to be pulled and prodded and twisted and stretched!

Now, before all this, OTL had done that to Holly’s leg, Pulled, Prodded and Twisted and Stretched and Holly hadn't yelped or showed she was in any pain.

When the vet did it, she pulled and prodded and stretched it with a little more vigour and that made Holly uncomfortable!

It was decided to give Holly a course of anti-inflammatory jollop and if her leg is not better in one week, we are to go back for x-ray and knock out drops!

You could hear OTL's wallet scream all the way back home!

What was worse, Holly is not allowed any jumping or running and has to go for gentle walks only in the football field behind the houses.

I on the other paw am allowed to go down to the beach and enjoy all of the sniffs I want, all to myself!

Lunchtime The Missus walked Holly around the field, on a lead while I headed off to the beach. There was a hairy horror of a woofer who wanted a rough and tumble game with me but I was not in the mood and I had to tell him to 'Woof Off' in no uncertain way, so he went and had a game with OTL who gave his tail a tickle!

So, poor Holly is not allowed any rushing about, she has to be quiet and stay on the sofa and not jump about!

That means I am first to the food bowl or the treat box or OTL's lap to pinch some of his nibbles!


See you tomorrow!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!


  1. Yo maties. Well I'm very sorry to hear Holly chops has got a limp, hope it's better soon. Sometimes I get a limp, usually late at night when our vet is shut so she has to take me to the RVC, they charge £145 just to limp through the door, but I do like going there, sometimes my limp is cured just from going there. They're very good there. It's not nice having to go around quietly when you want to charge around. Poor OTL'S wallet, I bet it got a bashing today. Fancy OTL giving that hairy monster woofer a scratch under the chin when it upset you. My mum has perfected her death ray stare at customers who act up over stock in the shop. We're staying in for the next few days except for wallies if it doesn't rain. I tried to tell my mum I shouldn't go to the groomers next week cos I'm in self isolation but she was mumbling about soap and water. Take care down there. Have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags & sniffs from little Arch & the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Oh, poor Holly chops. Hope she feels better soon. Xxx
