Thursday 26 March 2020

It's TM's Birthday today!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Now, all together, one, six, seventy nine............:-

Happy Birthday to you
Here's a bucket of poo
Mixed with some Smoothies
That Eric sent to yoo!

There now, we can show everyone the pressie that Archie Babe and his family saved up for weeks to buy The Missus! In the end they had to get it on the black market and that cost a fortune!

One seriously wonderful present!
The Missus has got some extra loo rolls for making her cards!

Today she has been making more films of her slapping on the glitter, mind you she's got more on her head than on the card!

She will do anything to get noticed!

When we were out for our morning walk Holly suggested we take home some frost to put on her corn flakes but it melted by the time we got home!

You can't win them all!

Lunchtime it was sunny but still a bit chilly and we stopped at the local Chinese Takeaway to see if they were open tonight.

No, it was closed and there was a notice that it had no plans to open again!

I do hope that is not a permanent closure cos they do some super King Plawns!

With tears in our eyes we headed off to the sea side for our walk but the wind was so strong that we turned back and headed into the forest where the wind was not so strong.

The first thing we saw was a this Pearl-Bordered Fritillary came tearing along the path and then collapsed onto the path in front of Old Two Legs!

Pearl-Bordered Fritillary having a rest!

Next we spotted this one, dead strange, just look at that whacking great Proboscis sticking out in front of him, it looks positively lethal!

A Bee-Fly!

 We went around the top of the forest but even then it was very windy!

Let's get out of this wind!
The Hawthorne blossom was still on the trees but you can see that they were getting a little ragged around the edges.

Getting tired and wrinkled around the edges.
Trying to photograph insects and bugs it windy conditions sometimes mean that by the time you press the shutter releas, the bug has got blown away!

 Holly has been slow to walk around today, she says it's too windy to trot!

OK, I'm coming!
 So, no Chinese Takeaway tonight so it's back to pie and chips again!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Happy birthday Mrs TM, I hope you liked the aroma on the loo paper,it's peach you know. I had a little giggle at the thought of a peach flavoured poo. Well it was windy here when I went for my walk but happily the frost had gone by the time my mum got herself together to get out the door. When we did see other people they were all walking on the other side of the road so I didn't get anyone talking to me or stroking me and yet I was still wagging my tail off at them. I didn't even see Boris looking out of his window today. I must say I do miss seeing my little mates. Smashing pictures again today, good job you and OTL are able to give us something nice to look at and Mrs TM with her glue flinging videos. Now get OTL to put a note thru the chinese door and tell them they can still do takeaway and they could deliver then maybe you wouldn't have to miss your plawn clackers. Still you could always stick a candle on Mrs TM's pie for her to blow out. My mum is off to work in the morning but she told her boss she's having and extra half hour in bed on account there aren't many things in the chiller wot need the dates checking. Our new freezer should arrive tomorrow as well but it might have to sit empty for a little while, my mums not bothered, she says none of us will starve and she's cast her mind back to prehistoric times and had a cup of coffee today with condensed milk, she really enjoyed it, she said when she was little (back before the stone age) that's what they had in their hot drinks. You should have heard her smacking her lips. Now make sure you don't sit on one of them things wots got that nasty looking thingy on it's nose, that's sure to hurt yer bum. Take care and have a lovely evening all, give Mrs TM some giggle juice. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hope TM has had a terrific glue slapping and glitter flinging kind of day. Happy Birthday!

    Lovely pictures by OTL. I managed to see a Peacock butterfly today too . . .

    My goodness it was windy and cold outside . . .but not too bad in the sunshine.

    Have a good night all.
    Sarn xxx
