Wednesday 4 March 2020

Sniffs Galore!

Hello Woofers!

We are back again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!

Today is not the birthday of The Missus, her birthday is on the 26th March, I mean, how could you forget that Archie Babe!

The ferrets have been having a great time this morning, Miss Wendy found out where Old Two Legs hid the Chicken Strips! Eric tried to drag the packet off the desk but was spotted by OTL just before Eric and Chicken Strips disappeared!

In the end we all got a Chicken Strip and both Holly and I devoured our strip in a flash!

Eric hid his in the cuddle cup while Wendy hid hers under her bed!

One of the treats is to get a slurp of Lactose Free milk, well, the chicken does make you thirsty!

There is nothing like a slurp of milk!
 As promised, we went down to the beach, loads of sniffs, some we know and some were new from the weekend!

Pheew! This ones a bit rich!
 The sun had got up and was riding across the sky so we missed thesunrise but OTL wasn't going to be beaten, a quick fiddly Diddly and he took a picture of the sea instead!

Wot, no sun?
 We found a Grain Rock on the bench and it was still there at lunchtime when we came out again!

All with Gold Glitter as well!
We met up with the lads and had a 'Group Sniff'!

Yep! I got that one as well!
 OTL was interested in the Hawthorn blossom and couldn't resist a quick snap of the flower as we went past!

Now, don't that just look pretty?
Lunchtime we were back again enjoying the sniffs.

It was a little damp on the paths but with a bit of sunshine the muddy bits should dry out soon, providing it doesn't rain again!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Look I must have been looking at the wrong line on the calendar, it's very high up & my mum thought it was today as well. Smashing pictures today. I bet you were pleased to get back down the beach again. It's nice to catch up with your mates and discuss sniffs. I went to the vet this morning and I don't have to have my teef done & she said for my mum to give me broccoli stalks, we have to see if they upset my tum but if they don't I can have them regularly. I enjoyed the stalk today. My butt was fine as well & the stalks might help my butt as well. Then I had to have my heart listened to & that was working as well so I passed all round, just a little comment that I put on a little bit of weight but I explained that in the cold weather I needed a bit of extra scoff to keep me insulated. I got lots of cuddles and a few treats. Have you been training Eric to fetch the chicken strips. Hope you all have a lovely evening. Love, licks, wags & sniffs from little Arch & the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. No TM can’t have a birthday until Spring is here, her mummy was wise and waited until it was springtime before letting her out! A lucky thing that OTL noticed the chicken strip nicker before they all went. Glad you managed to get out for a good sniff with your friends and found a Grain Rock as well. There is now only one moon in Rochester so anyone thinking of going to see the big one will need to follow it around the world. I don’t know where it is going next. Getting less cold and draughty now so put out the flags xxxxxx

  3. Looks like a fun walk with your mates. AND you found a glitzy Grain Rock too. AND you and the ferrets got a chicken strip. Bargain! Great photos OTL.

