Tuesday 3 March 2020

They are at it again!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, good news for Holly Chops, she has been let off the lead and her plastic collar removed and she has had a wobble around the football field on her own! I must admit, she has had a lick or two but her operation wound looks good and clean!

It is still a little cold and windy but the sun has shone so it's a good sign the warmer weather is on its way!

Talking about good signs, Holly says that when the froggies get going in the pond, it's a good sign and that spring is here!

Well, the froggies have been at it again and there is buckets of froggy spawn floating about the pond. That means Taddly Poles soon and after that, loads of little froglets!

As it has just gone past the end of the month, Old Two Legs is doing his 'Accounts' which means lots of paper, adding machines and worn out pencils!

Mind you, he has promised that, providing it's not raining, he will take us back down to the sea side for our morning walk!

We reckon there will be loads of new sniffs all over the place!

However, we are not allowed in the water, as if you would want to go splashing in this cold weather! Holly did ask if that included the mud and the look OTL gave her we reckon the answer is, No!

OTL got a message this morning from the dentist saying it is the time for OTL to visit for a check-up on his teeth! Now the last time there was nothing wrong and he got out without any pain and just a small amount of money being extracted from his purse. So, it looks like time he got to pay some more money!

OTL says a that dentist is expensive but not so expensive as a vet, then he gave Holly and I a sideways look!

So, today, plenty of snoozes and cuddles tonight!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Aww . . .hope you hear plenty of baby croaking soon!

    Good job Holly hasn't been too naughty licking her wound.

    Please wish OTL well at the Dentist . . .for his toothypegs AND his wallet!


  2. Yo maties. Glad to hear Holly chops is feeling well enough to go back to the seaside soon. My mum got a letter from the dentist but she says they can wait until she feels like going. Now I'm off to the vet in the morning for a check up on my teef & my butt. It's been mainly sunny today but we have had a few showers. Have you checked you got enough water in the pond for all the taddly poles that will hatch. I've not got any taddly poles in my pond, my mum reckons our 🐸 are to shy. I'll be glad when it warms up a bit. Tell OTL not to work too hard & hope he gets enough cash back from his customers so he can afford the dentist bill. Isn't it Mrs TM's birthday tomorrow, I'll have to put my thinking cap on & come up with a song. Have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags & sniffs from little Arch & the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
