Tuesday 21 April 2020

It's Bella's Birthday!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back again!

Now, remember this photo?

Bella and Old Two Legs!
This is little Bella when she was just a little puppy all of four years ago.

It was a close thing but The Missus wanted to keep little Bella but with Holly and I here, she didn't know if Holly and I would eat her!

As if!

Now, on her birthday, just look at her now!

Seriously Cute or wot?

Happy Birthday Bella!
OK, are you ready? After 29.................7.............19...............29

Happy birthday to Bella
She's a cute little smella
Loves rolling in sheep poo
Happy Birthday to yoooooo!

This morning it was rather windy again and OTL's eyes were watering.

Mind you, that didn't stop him having a bash at tuning the banjo again. Trouble is, the strings are flat and he doesn't have a new set to put on and the local music shop is closed!

Onto the Internetty he found a local banjo man who runs several clubs and offers to restring and tune your banjo for you but he is not answering his phone or reading the email!

OTL is not a happy puppy!

So, if the banjo is unplayable, he'll have a bash on the guitar but the strings are old and are rather flat as well. mind you, he had a bash this morning trying to play some of the old tunes.

He wasn't very good but the idea is to harden up his fingertips but at the moment all he is doing is making his fingers sore!

Lunchtime the wind was stronger and the waves were bigger than yesterday!

Wet and windy!
Eric came with us again today but it took him a while to get out of the Ferret Bag!

No thanks, it is warm and out of the wind in here!
OTL got Eric out a few times but all he did was to crouch down and refuse to walk after OTL until OTL stopped and let Eric run up his leg!

If you don't pick me up I'll wee in your pocket!
 Once we got over the hill, the wind dropped and he was out and running. He was chasing Holly and I but we got longer legs than him and he got left behind!

Slow down you two!
 We were quicker than Eric but when we got to the car park Eric ran across the car park and got to the car first!

Just cos we stopped for a sniff or two!

OTL is depressed today cos he had to pay the VAT man!

That VAT Man must have a lot of money according to OTL!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well happy birthday Miss Bella, you sure are a pretty little girl. Well it's been another very sunny day but very windy again, it really nearly blew my tail off when I went out for a walk. Now my mum suggested that OTL looked on the internetty for an electronic tuner for his guitar and banjo strings. My mum said she had one but when she sold her guitars she through in the tuners and amp with them. All I can say is, thank goodness she sold them cos I reckon she's tone deaf. Definitely Santana and Clapton she ain't. Her fingers used to get very sore as well. Smashing pictures again today. I reckon little Eric would get blown away if he wasn't tethered to OTL in this wind. Tell OTL the vat man has got too much money and if I was him, I wouldn't send him anymore cos he's too greedy. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
