Sunday 26 April 2020

Strange Woofers!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

Hasn't it been a super day today! I mean, sunshine this morning and sunshine again at lunchtime!

The ferrets were out this morning tearing around the house, Eric was just going potty, Old Two Legs kept grabbing him and rolling him on his back and tickling his tummy!

When Wendy got close to OTL she got the same treatment but spent all the time on her back kicking her paws in the air and laughing her tail off!

Lunchtime we were out again but this time it was down the sea side and both ferrets were left at home fast asleep!

Holly and I were having a great time sniffing the sniffs and we even tried a little rolling in a dried-up sniff we found the other day!

Come on, the sniffs this way!
 When we got to the hill, I thought I heard a noise that didn't sound like it should be there. In fact, I thought it sounded dangerous and I stopped at the top of the hill and waited to see what monsters were hiding in the bushes.

Well, I stayed there and thought about skirting around the top of the hill and come out later on down the path.

OTL had wandered on a bit before he turned around and called me to follow.

Well, I still wasn't too sure and after a bit I followed.

Is that a band of monsters waiting to attack me?
Well, I slowly descended the hill and peered around the corner of the bushes only to find a family of Two Legs sitting on the grass laughing and having a fun time!

Back home we spent the afternoon snoozing, I reckon that this summer will be hot and dry and loads of blue sky!

With any luck!

See you tomorrow,


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it's been super sunny here today and very warm. Me and my mum had a nice lay in and then she took me for a walk and we bumped into Brenda and Milly. When we got home my mum left me with my boy and went off to do some shopping. She waited about an hour in the queue. My mum saw a TL taking the tops off the fabric conditioner and sniffing them all in turn, my mum said she was very tempted to shove them up his nose, he was very naughty cos he was putting them all back on the shelf. There seems to be lots of TL's around today and the police have been chasing them away from the lakes cos they've been having BBQ's and picnics and boating, naughty TL's. We've had a nice siesta. Do you know when my mum came home from shopping she said she was sorry cos she was late giving me my 12 o clock scoff, my boy said he'd given it to me but when he went off upstairs, I told her he was telling porky pies. That's a right smashing picture of you Daisy, another one for me to pin up on the wall of my cage. My mum has been sneezing with hay fever and she's getting right fed up with it. I chased a squirrel out of my garden this afternoon, flippin cheek, there it was sitting sunning itself in MY garden. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Oh that is an adorable picture of you Daisy. Best to be sure eh?

    Been a nice day here too.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
