Monday 27 April 2020

You just can't beat a Good Roll!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Another fun day here in North Kent. The ferrets have been play fighting all the time they were out and it ended up with Miss Wendy putting herself to bed and Eric cuddling up to Old Two Legs and chewing on a Chicken Strip while OTL held it!

Mind you, he does that for Holly and when we are eating carrots!

It was cloudy but warm when we went out at lunchtime and we found this terrific sniff on the beach and while OTL was trying to get Eric to dig a hole or two, Holly and I made the most of his lack of attention!

You just can't beat a roll in a stinky sniff!
 It takes Eric a little while to get going but once he is up and running he races along the sandy beach like his tail is on fire!

OK, I'm working up some steam!
There were a couple of families who wanted to look at Eric and ask all the normal questions about smelly ferrets who bite your fingers off and spit out the nails!

We could do with some squirrels this end of the world, so, if Archie Babe sends a squirrel down, we could send a sniff or tow up to him!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Loved the pictures today, you really look like that sniff is really sniffy. Lucky things. Well it's been warm and sunny so my mum washed the heavy bedspreads and put them on the line but now it's raining so she's had to take them off the line and just give them a quick blow thru in the dryer. I went for an early walk, didn't see anyone at all, no woofer mates no nothing. I had a little game of football in the garden with my mum but she's not much good so I went in and left her to practise. I heard you and Holly chops threatening to chew up whoever was at your front door when Mrs TM was filming her glue flinging. I bet they went up the path like their butts were on fire thinking you might chase them. Eric does look very cute. Lots of TL's are very silly, I mean you only have to look at little Eric to know he doesn't spit out the nails after he's bitten fingers off. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Fab photography. Nice to see you out enjoying yourselves as usual . . . Naughty girls doing a stinky sniff roll while OTL was busy with Eric!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
