Monday 11 May 2020

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

It's been a funny old day today, it started off with Holly and I showing our appreciation to The Missus for getting us another of those super chews each, well Holly and I anyway!

Old Two Legs reported the state of some 'Camouflage Poo', Oh! But the chew did taste good!

One of OTL's local customers required a visit so that means we had to take TM around the football field and down the side of the field of wheat.

It's a bit much that we missed out on our walk down on the beach but the wind was blowing and even we were a little cold!

OTL said that we were famous. Well, sort of.

The 'Shipping Forecast' gave out a warning of strong winds and even 'Gale Force Winds' and it was in 'Thames' and that's where we live, well on the side of Thames.

OTL said that the waves all had white horses on them and he could see them on the sea as he came into the village, some wind!

OTL has got to go out on Friday Morning to do a quick installation for a customer who has been waiting since the lockdown for OTL to call.

The only problem is, he has to be there at 07:30hr!

Me thinks things are beginning to get back to normal'ish!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Cor that wind don't half blow up yer tail, don't it. It's been very, very windy here today. My mum has been keeping her eye on the big trees wot keep shedding their branches and she's not happy about me going in the garden when the wind really whips up. We went for a walk this morning but I didn't see any of my mates so it was another boring walk. Poor OTL having to go to work and poor you having to go round the football field instead of the sea wall. Mind, you have to be careful you don't get blown in. My mums got a shopping list from Sonia for tomorrow, so she'll be going up the shop. My boy is making the most of his last couple of days home and not really looking forward to going back to work, he starts at 7 on Thursday so my mum might have to give him a shout to get him out of bed. Hope your poo gets back to normal soon, or OTL might not be able to find it in the grass if it's camouflaged. Think I'll have 40 winks now. Take care all and have a good evening. Loved hearing Mrs TM on the puter today. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Blowing a hooley down here all night and all day! Typical . . . bin day tomorrow so bin has to go out overnight . . . sometimes they call REALLY EARLY here! Like 6.45am! So you can't risk leaving it til the morning, as there's only ONE 6.45 in my day . . . and it's PM!

    Not much changing until Wednesday. Then I'll be able to go out and about a bit more often. Can't go back to work though.

    Glad you're keeping OTL AND TM busy! Oh, and please thank TM for the shout out on her video again! Bless!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
