Thursday 7 May 2020

Looks like a warm weekend?

 There were loads of two legs down on the sea front, so much for distancing! Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Wot a wonderful day today! I mean, sunshine and little wind and a long lunchtime walk!

Holly and I have passed the after effects of the super chew and as Old Two Legs says, 'all back to normal'!

I think they have been out with the mowing machine again and trimmed some daisy heads!

These wern't here yesterday!
 The Dragon Teeth were still there, they haven't moved for seventy five years!

75? Oh well then that calls for.......Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!
 There were loads of two legs down on the sea front, so much for distancing!

Trying to keep a couple of metres distance?
I was keeping well away from everyone, like, I went in for a splash and a paddle which turned into a little swim!

OK, where has the stick gone?

OTL tossed the stick in a few times for me and although I kept my paws on the sand, I did manage to grab it a couple of times until it floated off on the tide!

I can see you!
Back home I got a good rub down to dry me off while Holly went hunting for our chews!

This morning OTL changed over all the ferret sleeping bags and other stuff, then he added another shelf and a ramp which has confused the ferrets.

We were watching and saw Eric fall out of one bed and land on the blanket OTL has attached to the cage walls. It's going to take him some time to get used to that new addition!

See you all tomorrow, no work, it's Bank Holiday, mind you, don't tell OTL cos he plans to start filling out his Income Tax Form which is always a good laugh!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it has been a nice day here too. I went on my walk but I got caught short so I turned round and went home, cos I needed a poo. You should have heard my mum moaning, I mean, when you got to go you got to go. She was going on about letting me in the garden for a poo before we went for our walk but I didn't want to go then. See I don't like an audience when I poo, it's private and I only go in my garden. Now I gave my mum a list of jobs to do today and do you know, she hasn't done any of them. She said she was having the day off because she did lots yesterday and she has to go to work tomorrow. Lazy woman. Me and my boy had a good wrestle while we sent her up the shop for supplies, important ones like tomato sauce, extra strong cheese, quavers ........ see these are the essentials. I'm glad to hear your grumbly tums have gone and you're not doing anymore camouflaged poo. Daisy that water looked very murky, make sure you don't catch anything nasty while you're in there. Smashing pictures today. We're waiting for Mrs TM to put her video up. Tell OTL not to work too hard on his tax form. Take care all and have a nice evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. OTL's knows how to have fun on a bank holiday! I have better ideas than that, especially in good weather!

    Tell him to leave the computer alone for a day and give himself a break!

    Hope you all enjoy your weekend.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
