Wednesday 20 May 2020

Pheeew! It's hot today!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Wot a Hot Day it's been today. Even the ferrets decided to stay in their cage today instead coming out for a walk.

That's their missed walk in the sun!

As normal, the first thing we see after getting out of the car is........

Tree, Bench, Two Legs, Tree and Poo Bin!
Both Holly and I had our harnesses removed and of course, it was me who headed straight to the water!

.....and I'll do another wee!
 There were some yellow plants that Old Two Legs at first thought they were Cow Slip but we are not too sure.

Bird’s foot trefoil, well, that's what the Wild Flower Book says!

 The Flower Book also calls it 'Bacon and Egg' plant!

Me being a bit of a soggy doggy!
One of the interesting views is walking between the light and shadows and, being black and white in colour, Holly and I can walk along the path you see me and now you can't!

Watch this one!

 Now, is Holly in this one or has she disappeared in the shade?

Holly Gone!
See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!


  1. Yes . . . it's been delightfully sunny and warm all day. Glad you enjoyed your walk.

    Pretty flowers! Lovely shots of the woofers!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Yo maties. Well it has been very hot here. My mum took me out for my walk this morning and do you know, every time I went in a direction, I got hot so I turned round and went in another direction. In the end my mum said we should go home cos I couldn't make my mind up if I wanted to walk or not. My mum got a lot done very early cos of it being hot, we walked, she did the washing, she went up the shop, she cut the grass then she decided she would give me a trim, not I wasn't so happy about that. My mum went and picked my boy up from work cos it was so hot and he finished late cos he was testing the alarms. We think we'll all put our paws up this evening. Smashing pictures today. Now I reckon Holly isn't in that picture. Hope that dip in the sea cooled you down. Take care and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
