Friday 12 June 2020

Eric chases his squeaky!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, it's been another day of rain and cloudy skies. We left the camera at home, too much of the wet stuff!

Old Two Legs has a thingy on the computer that after a few minutes pictures he has taken in the past come up on the screen.

Well, there I was, sitting on top of the desk looking at the screen when all of a sudden, I see Archie Babe standing on the side of our pond, looking in, getting ready to dive in while chasing a froggy!

Then the picture changed and there was a sunrise in mid-winter!

The next one was a picture of Miss Snowflake digging holes in the sandy beach with me!


I must see if I can find that file with Archie Babe in it!

Today we brought Eric with us down the beach and just for fun, OTL brought along our squeaky ball, just to get Eric to chase us along the sea wall and down on the beach.

Well, he didn't chase us but he did gallop after the ball but only when the wind blew the ball back down the beach towards him!

Saturday Tomorrow, with a bit of luck we'll see some sunshine and maybe then we can take Eric out again!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret


  1. I heard TM say on her video that you go out twice a day in all weathers . . . shame it was a bad weather day today! Not been very nice here, although I managed to stray dry when I went out for a walk earlier.

    Sounds like Eric had a fun time along the beach with the squeaky ball.

    Don't drool on the screen on the keyboard if you find the ArchieBabe files!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Yo maties. Well Daisy that must have made up for a rotten weather day to see me on the screen. Hope Eric enjoyed is chase along the beach. Now there was no glue flinging video today but there was one of Eric flinging Miss Wendy up the carpet by her neck. Now my mum told me it's not nice to get lady woofers and drag them by the neck, she says it's a bit rude to do that to the lady woofer visitors. Mind, I did enjoy the video, my boy wants to see it later cos I told him all about it. It hasn't rained here today but it hasn't been nice sunny weather either. I decided I didn't want to chance going for a walk just in case it decided to rain. I've had a nice lazy day, I snuggled up with my mum when she came home from work and decided to have 40 winks but in the end she didn't get any winks. How's Holly's grumblies, hope they've cleared up and she doesn't have any problems. Take care and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
