Saturday 13 June 2020

The Sunshine's Back!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back again!

 Wot a super day it's been, so far!

 We went out this morning for our quick run around the football field and a sniff around the edges of the wheat field next to the football field, then back home for a snooze while Old Two Legs cleans the ferrets cage out.

 The ferrets just love being let loose in the morning and have a grand old time chasing each other around the house.

 The only thing is, after three hours of rampage they end up getting very tired.

 It's Miss Wendy who is first to head off for a snooze and she can be found either in the piny box wrapped up in a piny and gentle snoring her tail off, or, she puts herself to bed in the Hanging Bed House!

All tucked up and snoozing!

Sometimes we see Eric in there as well!

Lunchtime we headed off to the beach but when we got there some bozo was flying a kite, much to Hollies disgust cos it makes a horrid flapping sound which sets off Holly woofing her tail off!

In the end OTL had to take us down another path just to get away from the nasty thing!

Nasty thing these kites!
Look carefully and you can see the kite!

You know that Prospector 1 is still sitting in the Sheerness Docks. We often see the cranes move but not very far!

Do you think there is anyone on the rig?

OTL has been banging on about the lack of insects on the foliage, well, he spotted this butterfly, a Red Admiral fluttering about and managed to run off a snap or two!

A Red Admiral at last!

We didn't see any other butterflies, just this one. Maybe they are all asleep with the ferrets!

OTL was thinking about taking both Wendy and Eric out for a run but being the weekend there would be too many woofers around the place and that makes it dangerous for ferrets, so, they stayed tucked up in bed!

See you tomorrow.


 Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties, well it's been a sunny one here as well. Couldn't you go and chew through the string on that kite Daisy, then it would have flown away and not bothered Holly chops. Glad the ferrets had a good rampage, Wendy does look very snuggly in her hanging bed. Nice pictures today OTL, glad you managed to get a flutterby. Now, talking of flutterbys, my mum had flutterby king plawns and plawn clackers and flied lice for her tea, my boy had lemon chicken, chips and flied lice and plawn clackers. Them two have been pigging out again but my mum said seeing as she is working tomorrow as well, she deserves a nice takeaway tea. I had a good sniff of them plawns. My mum is watching the Queens birthday parade, and she was telling me how she and my boy got an invite when my boy was a pup, he was 11 and they had an invite from queenie to watch on the parade ground. My boy said he was most disappointed though cos they didn't get invited back for tea and sarnies after .......... don't sound like queenie knows how to treat her guests really. My boy says he remembers standing next to a lifeguard on the parade ground and the soldiers nose was running, he kept sniffing cos my boy says, they're not allowed to keep a hanky in their jackets or blow their noses into a tissue when they're on parade, my mum just said she didn't notice his nose only his eyes and he looked like Robson Green ........ I think my mum liked him. Anyways, my mum said them soldiers can knock out a fair old tune. Maybe OTL could offer his services on his banjo next year. Well when my mum went to work this morning, my boy got up and me and him went and had a snooze on the sofa together, we had nice snuggles. Oh gawd she's off whistling the tune to the grenadier guards and she can't whistle ......... oh my ears........... Right, take care and have a good evening all, I need to go and hide somewhere where it's quiet. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (suffering)Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Happy Saturday all. A hot and humid day. Best to snooze methinks!

