Sunday 21 June 2020


Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

We just love Sunday's here in North Kent!

I mean, nothing much to do, a long snooze on the bed and a walk down by the sea front.

Beats working any day!

Eric came out with us this morning for a run on the football field, he is getting to enjoy the wet grass on his tummy and he has been chasing after Holly and I if we don't get a move on!

Lunchtime we were down the beach again, fighting our way through the packs of visiting woofers and Two Legs.

Of course, I went in for a dip just after the tide had turned!

This is cool!
 There were a few TL's on the beach but most of them were up on the hill burning some barbecue packs, sniff super but we didn't get any offers!

For a change there were no kebab sniffs from Southend, just a barbecue over here!
Two Legs has got something about clouds blowing over the estury and I suppose that they can look pretty, if you like that sort of thing!

Well, I can't see any rain!
 When he stops looking at the sky, he has his nose pointed towards the ground and today he spotted a grass hopper trying to hide behind a blade of grass.

Holly wanted to know if she could eat it!
 Back home it was snoozy time for us and OTL, he keeps falling asleep listening to an Audio Book on the computer. He is sitting there in the arm chair, with his eyes shut, pretending he is listening when all of a sudden, he is snoring his tail off!

You can tell he is getting old!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Sounds like a lovely lazy day, I had one too. I went for a walk and met Miss Millie and Brenda and then we bumped into Monty and Harvey who live 2 doors down from me. Well They were waiting for their TL to come out of the shop where my mum works and when he came out my mum spotted he had some beers in his bag, well my mum told him about some craft beer they sell (maybe it has glue and glitter in it) wot she reckons is very nice. Anyways, about half an hour after we got home, our neighbour was at the front door and he bought my mum some of that craft beer wot she was telling him about. He wanted to thank my mum for letting him keep one of his cars on our drive, well wot about me, I mean, I'm the guard dog wot guarded the cars on our drive. I bet I don't even get a sniff, you know I'll just have to help myself when she gets up to do something, like wot I did last night, I told my mum I needed a wee and let me out in the garden, so up she gets and goes through the kitchen and realises I'm not behind her ....... back she comes to the living room and there she caught me having a small nightcap of her brandy and coke ....... ooooohhh it does help you sleep well and quenches yer thirst. Let's hope she falls for the same trick tonight, then I can sample this craft beer, I'll do a review tomorrow if it's any good. My boy has been at work all day so I didn't have him to wrestle with so me and my mum did some glue flinging, she wasn't happy with it so it's in the bin now. I like grasshoppers, they make me jump when the pop up from the grass. Tell Holly I believe they are a delicacy in some places, she can write a review when she tastes one and let me know. Glad you got your dip, it's been very warm today. I know wot you mean about these TL's pretending to listen to something with their eyes closed. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Your Sunday looks fun. I've been glue flinging all afternoon as it was quite windy here despite sunshine. Xxx
