Monday 22 June 2020

Washed, Sploshed and Butt Shaved!

Hello Woofers!

 Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back with you again!

 Today it has been what Old Two Legs calls 'Pleasantly Warm'.

 It certainly has been warm enough for a dip in the sea!

 Where I jumped in, I managed to stir up a load of mud and came out with my white bits a mucky shade of brown!

Wendy came out with us this morning and raced us back to the house. Lunchtime it was Eric who enjoyed a run along the beach.

We got back home in time for some lunch and OTL decided we needed a wash!

I mean, we had a wash three weeks ago and we got shaved then as well!

There was no getting away with it, Holly was marched into the shower and all the sniffs were washed off her back! I mean, that is just not fair!

What is worse, after poor Holly got done, I was dragged into the bathroom, thrown into the shower and got washed and sploshed!

I thought I could get away with being shaved but no, just cos I've had a grumbly tum a couple of times and had to get my butt washed, what did he do?

Shaved my butt!

It's a good job the sun is shining cos any cold wind would freeze my third eye!

Lunchtime it was Eric's turn for a run and he tried digging up the beach again!

Me? Digging?

Knowing we may get a wash, both Holly and I were hunting sniffs, just to make it worth while!

Quick! I've found a Foxy Sniff!

Eric enjoyed some time resting in the shadow of the bench before heading back to the car!

Maybe I'll have a swim in the water bowl!

So, there we are, Monday and what do we get?

Washed, Sploshed and Butt Shaved, who'd be a woofer!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well you and Holly chops have my sincere condolences. It's just not nice washing away those hard collected sniffs and shaving yer butt ...... it's assault. I hope you didn't catch a chill while you were being washed and sploshed, you'll have to sue if you do. Nice pictures today. Looks like Eric is being a goody two shoes, I notice you didn't mention him getting washed and sploshed. We've had another quiet day, I went for a very early walk this morning, all my mates must have still been in bed. My mum said she felt a bit restless today and couldn't settle to anything, she did a little bit of gardening and said it was too hot, she was going to get the electric broomstick out but said it was too hot, we had a little nap just after lunchtime, then my boy text her and said there were 33 spaces for shoppers in John Lewis so she decided to go and see if she could get some paints wot she wanted but when she got there she reckoned, he must have text the world and his wife so it being too hot to queue she went to another shop and went straight in and bought her paints there and came home cos it was too hot. I think it's a tad warm myself but I certainly don't intend being washed and sploshed cos I had a bath a month ago. I've had a bit of a roll round the garden and then I found a tasty bit of dickie dirt, my mum was trying to push me away but I got it .... it was a tad chewy though. I think I might go and have 40 winks before dinner cos it is a bit hot. Oooohhhh forgot to say I watched Mrs TM with my mum this afternoon. Take care and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Oh dear. . . Another bath and a bit of a close shave!!!! You do have a terrible time of it! But on the plus side OTL and TM love you and take you for walks and feed you. So life ISN'T THAT BAD is it???

    Hot hot hot for rest of week . . . Don't want to think about it!

    Hugs,Sarn xxx
