Friday 5 June 2020

Then it landed on us....Splosh!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

This morning Old Two Legs was up with the lark and off to one of his customers to do some 'Adjustments' to their equipment. There he was plonking away on the computer and then talking to the customer on the radio. It was a case of 'Can you hear me Mother?'.....Wot?......'Can you hear me Mother?'.........Wot?....... 'Can you hear me Mother?'...........I'm not yur brother!........Wot?......'Can you hear me Mother?' and so on!

 Well, in the end OTL reckoned he could do better with a couple of bean cans and a length of string!

 In the end he sorted it out and headed back home just in time to take us out for walk. That was until the rain started!

 We stepped outside the door and 'BOOM' there was a big flash and a crack of thunder!

 I've never seen Holly jump in the car so quickly!

 We got down by the sea side but the rain followed us from home and when Holly and I got out of the car we did the quickest wee and a poo in our life!

 Then it was back to the car at high speed!

 You know, we beat OTL back to the car!

 Back home we got a quick rub down and then off to bed with a chew!

 Next thing OTL headed off to get the tow bar electrics sorted out and he had to leave it with the works rather than wait while it got fixed.

 The rain came down again and then the sun came out, only to be followed by the rain again!

 We all decided that we would leave the rain to get on with it while we retired to bed for a snooze.

 What better way to spend a Friday!

 See you tomorrow!


 Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.



  1. Yo maties. Well we've had pretty much the same weather as you except for the flash and boom. I've only been going out to wee and poo when the sun was out and the rain was in. I don't do WET! A couple of times my mum tried to trick me but I'm smarter, I can sniff that rain before it leaves the cloud. We were up early on account of it being work day and the weather was fine, it was fine when my mum came home but she had ear ache so we went for a swift snooze, cept neither of us snoozed. Anyways, we've had a lazy day and the sun is out at the moment so I might be persuaded out in the garden. Now when my boy went to work this morning, he found something trespassing in our front garden and he got a picture of it, me and him thought it might be an emu or ostrich but my mum said it was a peahen. My mum said it lives round here and has been around for years and one of her customers told her it was sitting up on our new garage roof yesterday when he went by. Glad OTL managed to sort out the problem of mother not being able to hear and hope he gets his wheels back soon. I've been watching Mrs TM glue flinging again today, she sure does make some crackers. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (birdwatcher) Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Aww . . . Shame about the rain. Managed a walk in decent weather this morning. Sent TM an email with butterflies on it to cheer OTL up. Hoping for better weather for your walks tomorrow. Xxx
