Saturday 6 June 2020

TM's day out!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

I like Saturdays, they are full of things to do but nothing too urgent, if you know what I mean.

Take today for instance. Holly and I went out for our run around the football field and as there was no hurry, we didn't do a poo until it was our second lap around the field!

Back home Old Two Legs got a call that the big car was ready, they had worked out that the control box needed a 're-boot' and it was all OK.

OTL wasn't too happy with that cos the tow bar and the electrics had been on the car for twelve years and in his experience, a bit of electronic stuff that needs re-booting once will normally choose the next holiday when we are many miles away from home to require another re-boot or worse and new control box!

So, after discussions with the engineer it was decided to replace the whole electric gubbins, just to make sure.

That was an expensive decision but OTL reckons it was 'safe'!

Now, to go over and pick up the car means that The Missus had to drive the little car and she was getting all excited cos this will be the first time she had been out of the house since this virus has been rampaging around the country so three months ago!

Now three months in isolation has driven TM a little 'stir crazy' but we don't mind cos doing her videos keeps her quiet most of the time!

The rest of the time we don't listen anyway!

So, while TM drives the little car home, we head off with OTL to a park where he knows the Park Manager and we enjoy a long walk into the trees, sniff loads of new sniffs and enjoy another leisurely poo in the bushes!

We had just got to the end of our walk and it started to rain, so, quick as a flash, we were in the car and away home.

When we got home OTL decided he was going to scrape off all the moss and plants that have been growing on the brick drive but just as he was about to start, down came the rain!

Not to worry, we watched a bit of TV until the rain had passed, then, out he went and was scraping and brushing and clipping bushes that were growing over the brick wall!

All very industrious he was and when it was all finished, he went out to put the big car back on the drive and that's when the rain started again and he got soaked running from the car to home!

Now, he has been charging up the clippers he uses to cut our hair so I reckon tomorrow could turn into an 'Archie Babe Day', you know, wash, splosh and zip with the cutters!

I'll let you know tomorrow!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.    

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well, we've had quite a nice day weather wise until we had the storm this afternoon. It lasted for about an hour and we had flashes and big rumbles and hail stones and my garden was covered in little ice balls, there are still some out there now wot hasn't melted. Me and my mum was watching the storm and the rain running down the road. My mum decided she'd treat my boy to a chinese tonight so they was stuffing themselves with lemon chicken, butterfly king plawns, flied lice, chips and plawn clackers. Wot pigs. Mind I did get a bit of treat today, my mum bought me some broccoli this morning, I do like a crunch on some broccoli. My mum reckons I might do a technicolour poo tomorrow but wot the heck, you've got to have a treat now and then. Poor OTL, these people do like to mug his wallet, I reckon he has the same luck as my mum, her purse doesn't have a chance to cool down. Hope Mrs TM enjoyed her outing today. That OTL spares no expense when he takes her out. Now we do enjoy her videos, so if it helps her not to go stir crazy, then we're glad. Hope OTL didn't get too wet today. You should tell OTL that the weather has turned so it might be a bit cold for doing bathing and clipping. Best of luck to you both for getting out of it. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
