Tuesday 30 June 2020


Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

It's been a bit of a grotty day today. It's only the weather that has put a downer on today, it was slightly damp this morning and by the time we were ready to go out at lunchtime, it was raining!

Not exactly bucketing down but that nasty stuff that gets into your fur and ends up making your back wet through to the skin!

Of course, Holly was complaining and showing off at getting wet even though she was wearing her big harness!

and now my tail is wet!
 Being it was wet, Old Two Legs took his camera with him but to prevent water getting into the workings, he put the camera into a poo bag with the lens sticking out.

One small problem was that when he put the camera up to his eye, he couldn't see a thing!

OTL was not going to be outdone and held the camera in front of him and guessed where it was pointing and what he was pointing at!

Strange enough, the pictures weren't too bad!

Even got the water droplets!
 Not that it pleased Holly who was getting a soggy back side as well as the soggy tail!

It even squeaks when I walk through the grass!
 In the end, OTL wasn't listening to Holly and was more interested in trying to get the pictures balanced and not looking wobbly!

Now, that's not too bad is it?
 On our way through the forest, we came across some more flowers and OTL tried his hand again but the picture didn't come out as planned cos what he needed was Landscape but the lens wasn't wide enough!

Pretty but could do with being a bit wider!
 Still, it wasn't too bad considering he couldn't see what he was aiming the camera at!

Back home we were packed off to the office beds while OTL and The Missus took the little car to the garage for its first service.

Holly and I kept a watch out through the window, waiting for them to return and rushed down stairs when they turned into the road.

One of the good things about being left on our own is that after we were dried off, we could have another roll on the bed to finish off drying our tails!

Let's hope that tomorrow the sun comes out!

Bye, bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well we've had some light showers today but on the whole, not too bad. I went for an early walk, didn't see any of my mates, I reckon they were lucky enough to be having a lay in. My mum has been scrubbing in the kitchen today and me and my boy have been told we mustn't make a mess ....... as if. I've been getting into trouble for using the sofa as a treadmill. We watched Mrs TM again and really enjoyed hearing Eric had run off with her smoothie ...... go Eric........ Smashing pictures today despite the rain. OTL is a very clever chap. Shame Holly chops got her tail wet, nothing worse than having drips on your tail. I hope you weren't left too long home alone. Well I'm feeling a bit peckish so I'd better go tell my mum to get some scoff for me. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Super shots by OTL even though he couldn't see what he was taking some of the time!!!!

    Is the pink flower with the droplets on it a wild orchid of some kind? I know the other longer flower head is a buddleia.

    It was "perfect crafting weather" yesterday . . . So I did. Too wet and 'orrible to go outside! Xxx
