Tuesday 7 July 2020

Caravan Confusion!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Now, you know that we were expecting the caravan mender man to give the van it's yearly service.

This is a new man Old Two Legs has found cos the one that used to  service the caravan has retired!

Anyway, he turns up this morning and does a double take saying that he won't have enough time to service a twin axle caravan as he was expecting a single axle van!

So, a new date was made and came in mumbling something service engineers and their inability to read their own writing!

Now, that looks better!
With the big camera and the close up lens flowers looked better especially the Wild Sweet Pea flowers.

That looks nice!
 It would have been better if the wind wasn't blowing the blooms all over the place!

Mind you, we found a couple of butterflies making eggs and of course hanging onto the grass for dear life!

Making Butterfly Eggs!
 Holly thought that yesterday's picture of her looked good and she stopped in the same place, just where the sun landed!

Do I look good in the sunlight or wot!
 We have been watching the Flogs in the pond and they are getting bigger. There are some that we have seen wandering around the garden looking for food. I reckon there is a load more in amongst the undergrowth and under the fence into next door.

OTL reckons he will have to clear the pond of rubbish on the bottom of the pond and he will have to put a new liner in cos at the moment there looks like a leak has sprung and the pond will only stay half full, or is that half empty?

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Lovely pictures . . . Especially of the woofer!!! Xxx

    Shame about caravan trubs . . . Soon be sorted, hopefully. Xxx

  2. Yo maties. Well I didn't get my lay in this morning, my mum woke up at the crack of dawn so we went for an early walk cos my mum thought it might be a bit too warm later ........ the jokes on her cos after we walked the clouds came along. I bumped into my mate Storm and then along came Buddy, Storm told Buddy off cos Buddy was getting a bit too boisterous with me and Storm wasn't happy about that. Buddy started barking at Storm but Storm is a very big German Shepherd dog and he wasn't bothered so he told Buddy off again. I quite like it when my big friends tell my slightly smaller friends to watch out cos I'm only little. My mum went off to do the shopping and left me at home with my boy, cos he didn't have to go to work so early today. Wot a shame the caravan man retired and the new chap can't read properly. I hope he manages to get himself sorted so he can do the service and then you can go happily on your autumn holibobs. Tell Holly chops she looks lovely again, framed in the greenery. I bet you've got loads of flogs. Shame the pond is only half full but I bet the flogs don't mind too much as long as they've got enough water to swim in. That first flower looks like a lavateria
    type flower. We watched a video of the ferrets chasing in and out of the bags and tubes today, we thought they were very funny. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
