Thursday 2 July 2020

Down came the rain!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, it seems that every time we have stuck our nose out the front door and down came the rain!

There were times when all we did was to look out the window and that will start the rain off again!

The pond was kept well topped up as the rain came down and even the frogs hid under the lilly pads!

The flowers got a good wash as well!
Lunchtime came and we headed off to the sea wall and again down came the rain from a dark and wet looking cloud!

Here comes the rain!
We headed off and tried to get it all done before the next bank of rain caught us up.

There was a big cloud burst just before the forest and we all ran down to the first tree that provided some cover from the rain!

Now, this will make us wet!
We ran all the way back to the car and were away just before the rain caught us up!

We were glad to spend the afternoon snoozing in the office while OTL was fiddling with the computer.

You'd think that by now he would have had it all sorted!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well we've not had bad weather today, this morning it was sunny and it started raining about 30 minutes ago, it was quite heavy. I had a walk a bit later this morning to see if I could see any of my mates. Well I saw little Alfie's dad and no little Alfie, seems he'd just dropped him off for a groom, poor little Alfie, I hope he doesn't shrink in the was cos he's right little. I went to the shop and tried to get in but my mum said I'm not allowed so I hung about while she tried to get me to move, so I sat down and refused to move cos I was remembering when Brenda used to give out treats to us woofers wot went up the shop. I've been in the garden quite a bit today while my mum was doing little jobs out there. We decided to have a bit of a quiet day cos we've got to get up very early tomorrow. We watched Mrs TM doing her glue flinging, my mum really enjoyed it and liked the colour of Mrs TM's nail polish. It's a shame you had lots of rain down your way, paws crossed for better weather tomorrow. The forecast is better for the weekend. Now when it rains here, our frogs get out of our little pond and go and hide under the plants. Your frogs mustn't mind the rain. Take care and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Nice pic's. Wet here too. Windy for the next few days . . . but at least it's cooler! Great weather to stay in and fling ink around!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
