Monday 27 July 2020

Maybe TL should see a vet?

Hi Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

Archie Babes Two Legs has got a tooth ache and from wot I've heard, she can't get into the dentist until half way through August! Now, that's just not right! I mean, you can get into the TL's hospital on an emergence basis and get an extraction done, nothing else just pull it out. I suppose that if you are in pain then that's the way to go.


If you were a woofer, you could phone up the vet and get an appointment the same day and get booked in for some knockout drops and the tooth pulled on the day or next day. Mind you you need to have deep pockets, those vets don't come cheap but it would be a novel thing to ask the vet to pull your tooth!

The only thing is, the vet might want you to have some worming tablets as well!

Talking of that, Old Two Legs has got to have some laser treatment on his eye. He had some work done on his other eye a couple of years ago. It took a whole year to get an appointment with the hospital and when he arrived, the whole process took about fifteen minutes! Makes you wonder why there is such a long queue!

This time he says he will have to pay to get it done but the eye clinic is not doing any laser treatment because of the Covid thingy and he has been told to call back mid September, just after our holiday!

Seems money can't buy you everything!

This morning Miss Wendy came out with us for a walk and she chased Holly back to the Poo Bin by the garages!

Eric was a bit put out but come lunchtime he was up and rattling the cage door demanding a walk!

As normal, he decided to have a cuddle in OTL's arms until we got to the beach, then he was down and ferreting all over the beach and I got to have a good roll in the sea weed!

Is there a Woofer up there?
Eric had fun digging in the sand and then headed off to the steps up to the path that leads to the hill top.

Any Woofers here?
He always stops at the top of the stairs to check if there was any woofers on the path, then, if clear, off he would go chasing Holly all the way back to the car!

OK Holly, here I come!
We got tied up to the leads again as soon as we got near the sniff spot. Just how long will it take before he forgets about the sniff?

We were sitting down to lunch when The Missus squeaks out that there is a dead bird in the garden. OK, we'll put it in the rubbish bin after lunch.

Then she says, 'it's moving but I think it's terminal'!

OK, we'll put it in the rubbish bin after lunch.

Then she goes out to see it and says, 'it's alive but it only got one leg and it's head is on the ground.

OK, we'll put it out of it's misery and put it in the rubbish bin after lunch.

So, after lunch OTL gets three sheets of kitchen towel and heads off to the shed to get his hand axe to send baby sparrow to the Rainbow Bridge.

Only thing is, OTL can't see any blood or damage to the bird and when he picks it up, the bird squeaks and waves both legs at OTL. That means OTL must put the bird back on the ground and see if mummy comes down to see what's going on with junior.

Holly is all for going out and chewing the tail off the sparrow but TM insists that Holly is NOT going out in the garden.

About an hour and a half later we look out to find that the sparrow had gone! Maybe it flew off or has gone into the undergrowth or mummy has come down to lead him off to a place of safety!

You know, it's all go in our garden!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Glad everyone had a good walk today. Let's hope the sparrow survived and is with the rest of his family.


  2. Yo maties. Well now, I suggested to my mum that she goes to the vet with her toothache and just by chance she had to ring the vet cos I got an itchy butt. Well the first appointment is 6th of August so my mum is taking me but she reckons seeing as it's only a few more days, she'll wait for the dentist. Now if my itchy butt gets too itchy, my mum has got to ring back and they'll try to squeeze me in sooner ....... wots all this with squeeze me in...... I don't do being squeezed in. I tell you Daisy, the world has gone to pot. Now wots this as well about OTL having to pay for his eye, tell him he has paid, he pays everytime he hands his hard earned over to the government and they shouldn't be taking more from the poor hard working pensioner like wot he is. Now, I think I'm quite glad that Mrs TM is a glue flinger and not a vet, seems like she can't count very well either if she said the bird only had one leg and it had 2, or maybe it's her eyes wots giving her trouble. Anyways, glad OTL decided not to chop the baby birdies head off seeing as how it seems to have made a miraculous recovery. Nice pictures of Eric today, my boy asked me if I fancied a ferret but I told him, I don't think I could eat a whole one. Well it's scoff time so I better go and clear my bowl. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (only a little bit itchy butt) Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
