Tuesday 28 July 2020

OTL's working again!

Hi Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!

Well, it's been a right proper mix up of a day today.

Yesterday Old Two Legs was loading up the back of the big car with tools and bits of stuff. Then he shut it all up and locked the doors! We thought it was a bit of a late Spring Clean Up in his tool box. Well, that was until he shut us in the bedroom after our morning walk, let the ferrets out to rampage and then he was off and away into the distance.

Now, you know how much Holly and I want to be close to OTL when he is working at home and how much we miss him when he goes away, well, it's even worse when he sneaks off like wot he did this morning. I will admit, I was snivelling all the time he was out and it didn't help to have Holly next to me whining as well!

We got taken out at lunchtime by The Missus but it wasn't the same and you know what? We didn't even bother to hunt out the sniff!

Mid afternoon Holly and I were wondering just where he had gone when this big car pulled up onto the drive.

He's Back!!!!!!!

Well, both Holly and I went potty! We were running up and down the stairs, across the backs of the sofa and armchairs, up the stairs again, around the bed then run around waking the ferrets up!

We thought that TM would have been pleased to see him but she was on the Internetty Thingy with her mates, making cards!

Mind you, she did him a late lunch, well, a ham roll and a pack of Rennies cos the rolls were still warm!

Poor OTL, all that hard work and all he gets is indigestion!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. It's not nice when your TL sneaks out is it. Now me and my mum went for an early walk up the shops this morning and my mum sent a message ordering 2 crusty rolls and 2 doughnuts, one with sprinkles and one with jam. By the time we walked up the shops, our order was ready so my mum paid and we had a leisurely walk home. When we got home my mum realised she'd forgotten to ask for some milk as well, so this afternoon both she and my boy snuck out, he went for his walk and my mum went up the shops to get the milk and a bottle of wine ....... the drunkard. I get quite upset when I get snuck out on, a bit of warning is kinder, you know, a few more pieces of biscuit rather than just 4 bits and an I'll just be a minute, it makes all the difference. I can see why you and Holly chops were upset. Now wot's this with just a ham roll and a packet of rennies when he got home, wot about the shepherds pie wot Mrs TM told everyone she had in the oven? Me and my boy and my mum had a film morning today, we watched a film called Interstellar, or something like that ..... it was alright but it was a bit slow. We're planning another film morning this week, we like them cos it means my mum cooks my boy bacon rolls and I get an extra treat. My boy has got this week off, he was going back to work today but they owe him some much time for all the overtime he does, they said he could have another week off. Me and my mum enjoyed Mrs TM's make today, we didn't hear OTL come home or you and Holly chops racing round the house. Paws crossed OTL doesn't go and leave you tomorrow. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I watched TM's video and loved what she made. Fancy OTL sneaking out on you. Sounds like you gave him a woofers welcome on his return xxx
