Sunday 12 July 2020

Sunshine Sunday.

Hello Woofers!

It's us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

Just for a change, it is warm and sunny and no rain!

We went out lunchtime and found a strange looking contraption being planted on top of the path.

A strange looking thing that Holly said could have something to do with fishing!

Old Two Legs said that it was an antenna for Amateur Radio and to prove it he walked up to where they were playing with bits of wire on two long poles.

He stood in front of the thing, looked left and then right, did a couple of calculations in his head and said.......................

Twenty Metres!
 OTL got a funny look from them and then a big grin, 'Yeah' said the Two Legs, 'How did you know?'

OTL said that he built something like that a long time ago and up in Scotland!

That was it, Holly and I found a soft bit of grass and sat down, this was going to be a long wait while he spends time gassing about radios and antennae!

About twenty minutes later he got all guilty about leaving us sitting on the grass and said goodbye and we continued our walk.

There were plenty of Two Legs wandering around the place and one daft woofer rolling in the mud!

We stopped at the  bench on top of the hill for a little rest in the shadow of the bench, well Holly hid underneath the bench while I sat on top and had my photo taken!

Do I look good or wot?
 As we walked through the forest OTL spotted a leaf on the ground. It was surrounded by shadow but in the middle a sun beam had penetrated the canopy and lit up the leaf.

It's amazing when you think that eight minutes and thirty one seconds ago a sunbeam left the sun and coming in at the right angle and the right position to find the hole in the canopy to landed on that leaf!

What do you think Holly did then?

She had a wee on it!
That girl has no soul! I mean all that way and ending up as a damp spot in the woods!

Back to work tomorrow!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it's been a very sunny day here as well and very warm. I went out early for my walk and met up with my little mate Gizmo. Me and my mum did loads of work this morning, ironing, shopping, weeding, grass cutting and then my mum said that we could have a siesta at 12, well I didn't really feel like a siesta then so I got told off for being a fidget. My mum cooked roast beef for dinner and she reckons it was so good that there isn't a chef on the earth who could have made it tastier. She had a big glass of wine with it and then after she sat down to watch Shirley Valentine, she says that's one of her most favourite films. Well she said she feels like going off to one of them little Greek islands cos me and my boy are too bossy. Wot a cheek. Now I don't think they let little old Greek men out so she should be safe if she does go. Mind, not sure the men would be if they offer to buy her wine and take her out on a boat. Smashing pictures today, I don't blame Holly for weeing on that leaf, I mean it might catch fire with that sun beam on it. I know wot it's like when you go for a walk and your TL gets gassing with other people, you're expected to wait around patiently. Love that picture of you Daisy, it's one for the wall of my cage. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Lovely pictures . . .especially of the poster girl again!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
