Wednesday 19 August 2020

A Wet and Windy day!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back again.

Well, here we are, the sunshine has gone and back comes the rain. We were out first thing this morning and there were drops of rain splashing down on our noses as we roamed around the old golf course. The golf course is only a nine hole, so it's not very big but it houses a family of foxes.

We made it back home before the rain came down and off went OTL to start cleaning the ferret cage. It was later that Holly and I fancied another run around the golf course so we worried Old Two Legs to go out. As soon as we opened the front door we realised that we had made a mistake, it was pouring down!

We got a few steps into the Football field before deciding that like Archie Babe, we don't like wet! It seems that neither does OTL and we all headed for home at a fast trot!

Soggy and damp we got a rub down when we got home and as soon as we had settled down OTL put on some dry clotes and headed off to the town to spend some money!

He purchased some stuff to do with motoring and the caravan, a torque wrench and a tyre pressure gauge to check if the tyres are inflated to the correct pressure.

Sounds all very technical!

When he got back home the rain had stopped, so, off we go again and this time we were off to the Sea Wall for a midday walk!

Just look at those clouds!

One of the bad things about rain is, it washes all the sniffs away! It takes a skilled woofer to find even a whiff of a sniff!

Now, I'm not bragging but it was me that had to show Holly where to find the sniffs today but it was really my superior nose that did it all!

Come on Holly Chops, here's another one here!

Back home again for lunch and a snooze under OTL's desk!

The Missus got an anniversary card from Archie Babes two legs with cute little woofer who's wagging tail is almost too much!

Eric was playing with OTL by jumping up and hanging onto his trouser leg. As they were in the bathroom, OTL put some water into a plastic tray together with three ping pong balls, then, just for fun, OTL picked Eric up and put him in the tray as well!

Now, if you thing it's Archie Babe who hates water haven't seen what happens when a ferret is plonked into water!

Eric jumped up, legs in the air then fell back into the water, he was slipping and sliding all over the place. He crashed out of the shower and headed towards TM's card room, soaking wet on his legs and tummy!

OTL grabbed a towel then grabbed Eric to dry him down but Eric instead turned his head and sunk his teeth into OTL's hand!

Of course Eric let go as soon as he realised what he had done and OTL wrapped him in the towel to dry him off. 

However, OTL's hand was bleeding but we all reckon it was his own fault and he won't do that again!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it's rained here pretty much all day today. My mum put my lead on and opened the front door to take me for a walk, one sniff of the air and I knew it was a bad idea so I refused to walk, there were plonking big drips of the wet stuff coming from the sky. I just refuse to go out and get wet ....... I hope OTL's hand is alright, now fancy biting the hand wot feeds you ...... Eric, put the fangs away boy or you'll find yourself without your supper. Mind I reckon if someone tried that on me, I might be a tad miffed and fancy a chunk of them. I chose that card, now isn't that little woofer an attention seeker, wagging his tail for all he's worth. Wot a good job Holly chops had you to find some sniffs for her, did you find any good rolly sniffs? I bet there were some super sniffs where them foxes live. I'm off to the vets first thing tomorrow to get one of my little lumps checked out cos it bled a bit yesterday, I don't mind cos apart from being a very brave chap, I get lots of cuddles. Let's just hope my mum doesn't embarrass me again. Now I thought OTL had handed all his dosh to the caravan service man yesterday, did he get some change? Hope you enjoyed your plawn clackers last night. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Have to say I laughed at the bit where Eric took his revenge on OTL! Wouldn't it be good if we could let our feelings be known in that way sometimes?!!!!!

    Well done on finding a sniff in difficult circumstances.


  3. Forgot to say I heard OTL's dulcet tones on one of TMs videos today . . . Something about a cuppa! Xxx
