Monday 10 August 2020

Another Hot Day!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Another very hot day here in the South of England. I always thought we were lucky 'cos when the rest of the UK were getting wind and rain and hail and nasty storms, here we were, basking in sunshine and balmy breezes. The only problem we have is that when it gets warm, we in the South get roasted!

We were looking at the weather forecast and even the cooling thunderstorms are all taking place in the West and Northwest and what do we get?


Not only us but this grass is getting too hot as well!

It was good to get to the bench with some shade to help cool us for a little while. We didn't stay long 'cos Old Two Legs was getting a bit hot himself, even though he had his 'Indiana Jones' hat on!

OK, I'll sit here cos it has the rabbit butt sniff that I like!

We have seen some dragonflies buzzing around but not for some time so it was good to see this one, even if it was a little smaller than normal. OTL reckons it could be a Southern Hawker but he didn't have his book with him that has the picture and description, but, it sure does look like a Hawker!

No, stop a moment, we have found the book and it is a Migrant Hawker!

There you go, all we had to do is to find the book and there you are! Mind you, we are in the right place for migrants, being in the South!

The Wild Sweet Pea is still doing well and we often see Bumblebees zooming in and out of the blooms.

Bet you can't see the Buff Tailed Bumblebee in amongst the flowers?

The ferrets were getting a little too warm today so OTL put a couple of those freezer blocks in their cage wrapped up in a ferret bag and some towelling . They then slept for most of the day on top of the blanket or ferret bag, only waking up to have some food!

Eric just loves the Chicken Strips and as soon as he sees OTL in the office, he rattles the cage door, sticks his nose up to the cage door and licks OTL's finger until he gets a Chicken Strip, of course, Miss Wendy is close behind him, demanding her share!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well I reckon it was hotter today than the last couple of days. I went out for a very early walk and even then it was quite hot. I've had a lazy day snoozing indoors with the fans blowing a breeze. Not much happening here at the moment, think it's too hot for anything to move around. My boy offered to put me in the bath or turn the hose on me in the garden but I declined his offer and told him I'd chew him up and spit him out if he came near me and wetted me. I told my mum as well and she had strong words with him for upsetting me. Smashing pictures today, I see that even the dragon flies are migrating to Kent. My mum has got a couple of jobs to do then we're both going to put our paws up. My mum is off to the dentist in the morning, rather her than me. I'll let you know tomorrow whether she behaved herself tomorrow evening. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
