Wednesday 12 August 2020

Happy Birthday Miss Rosie!😁😁

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Yep! Another year has gone past and suddenly Miss Rosie is another year older and we have been rattling our brains for a song just for Rosie!

So, all together now and after thirty nine!


Happy Birthday Rosie Girl 😁,

Get the whole world in a twirl 👸!

Miss Wendy sends loads of kisses  💝😽

Happy Birthday to you!

I bet Miss Rosie has a great day, especially when she gets her Birthday Cake!

Last night it was really hot and it took some time to find a cool spot where we could go to sleep. Holly ended up in the kitchen and I slept behind the curtains cos you get a smal breeze coming in through the open window!

The ferrets had the frozen packs from the freezer all wrapped up in their cage and spent all night going into bed, then out of bed and on the freezer packs and then back to bed again!

I reckon the ferrets should share those freezer packs with us!

Eric came out first thing while Wendy stayed in bed. Holly had the Grumbly Tum but we reckon that was as a result of the Anti-Distemper injection we had yesterday.

Old Two Legs got the camera out but there was nothing to photograph on the Sea Wall so Wendy said we could take her picture, if she could keep her eyes open!

 Mmmmmm, Happy Birthday Rosie! Now, can I go back to sleep again? Nite Nite!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well wot a nice song you sang to Miss Rosie ........ Happy birthday Miss Rosie, hope you had a good one .... me being a gentleman I won't make up a song wot contains poo in it cos that wouldn't be nice for a lady. Gis a slice of yer cake. Nice picture of Wendy today. Shame OTL didn't take any pictures of you and Holly chops though. Hope Holly chops grumblies go away quick or OTL might take her back to the vet to complain about his dodgy vaccine. I didn't notice if it was hot last night, I was out for the count and slept right through until my mum woke me up this morning. We've had a storm here this afternoon, it didn't half rain, I would have got washed away if I'd gone out in it. My mum did offer for me to go for a wee but I'm too smart to go out when it rains like that and I politely declined the offer ....... is she mad or something ...... surely by now she knows I don't do wet. Hope it's a bit cooler for you tonight, it's still quite hot here but not as hot as it was this morning. My mum is going to pick my boy up from work soon on account he'll get soaked through to the skin if the storm starts up again. I say let him walk, he's managed to annoy me this week, he thinks it's funny to offer to put me in the bath ...... let's see if he fancies being soaked. Take care and have a good evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
