Friday 21 August 2020

Here comes the weekend!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

I just love Fridays, I mean, after a whole week of working hard guarding the house at night then go into 'Stealth Mode' during the day light hours. You know it's very tiring keeping awake and in a heightened state while at the same time making it look like you are fast asleep!

You Two Legs just don't know how lucky you are to have us woofer guarding you all!

Today has been pleasant weather wise, a very light rain shower and a breeze blowing in from the South. Walking along the sea wall we picked up on some old sniffs but surprisingly the was nothing really new, just some old sniffs from last weekend!  

                      Nope, nothing new here!

The sea almost looked inviting but as it was just coming there was a lot of mud being stired up, so bang goes my chance of a splosh!

 Only one other woofer was seen but it was big and ugly and far away! So, with nothing more than a small grumble from me we had a trouble free walk!


 Nobody messes with us when were out for a walk! Mind you, I don't go looking for trouble!

 We had a very enjoyable rest on the bench and I demonstrated my 'Snooze Awake' pose while working on my 'Stealth Mode'!

Now, tomorrow is Saturday so that means we can relax a bit and leave the Stealth thing to The Missus who is very good at listening out for trouble, well, she has been seen chasing Eric and asking 'What Trouble are You Getting Into?'

You know only Holly has better hearing and OTL sometimes calls her 'Ole Radar Ears'! Mind you her ears work best when there is a bag of Chicken Strips being opened!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well it's been very windy here today, sometimes the wind blew a bit of rain along but most of the day it just blew leaves and bits of trees. I went out for a wee a little while ago and there, sitting in the middle of my garden, was a squirrel ..... now it looked like it was holding a sort of cake type thing. Well when it saw me, it skedaddled and took its cake type thing with it ...... mind, it left loads of sun flower seeds and other bits and bobs laying on my grass. I'm listening out for it coming back in my garden to collect its seeds. Now I know exactly wot you mean about being in stealth mode ..... mind, my mum bought this doorbell thing wots got a camera in it so if someone comes near the door, it tells us, even so, I'm head honcho for guarding here so it's my duty to be alert, mind it does make my mum jump when I bark cos I don't do it very often ...... sort of maybe once or twice a year. You see I have a cunning plan, if I don't bark then intruders don't know I'm here so if they try to get in, they'll get a shock when I take a chunk out of their butts. We've had a bit of a lazy day today, my mum had a really good day yesterday, toof wise but not so good today, so tomorrow she's only going to work to do the papers and then she's coming home so we can have more time to snuggle, cos that always makes her feel better. I reckon Mrs TM follows Eric cos she knows he's a bit of a tealeaf where her crafting stuff is concerned. Now yesterday my mum accused me of misappropriating some of her crafting stuff ..... she bought loads of these brush type things and she reckons she had 45 and now she's only got 44 ...... do you know, she reckons I've nicked one ....... as if. Smashing pictures today. Glad the weather wasn't too bad for you. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
