Saturday 26 September 2020

The Last Day!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well my woofers, this is our last day at Carradale and tomorrow we have to head off to Gretna for a Chinese Take away!

Well, that doesn’t sound too bad!

Back to today, being it’s the last chance I will get until next Spring I decided to have a swim in the stream especially as the tide was out. Old Two Legs was throwing a stick for me to chase and a couple of times I actually landed on the far beach!

I was having so much fun but in the end even I was a little cold, in fact, I was shivering my tail off!

Back at the caravan I got the use of two Doggy Towels to dry off and warm my slim body!

Looking out of the window it reminded of when we arrived, like, the Poo Bin was overflowing!

We have got to remember this beach until next year, mind you, the water around Grain can get rather cold as we get closer to Christmas!

So, we are going to have an early night and OTL has promised to go easy on the Single Malt tonight and only a small amount of Short Bread!

Both Eric and Wendy decided to stay in bed and wake us up early tomorrow!

So, nite, nite everyone!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!


  1. Yo maties. Wot a shame your holiday is coming to an end. Now is that you, Holly and the ferrets wot filled up that poo bin? Glad you managed to enjoy a good swim today. I don't do wet, I find it makes me cold and I do like to be nice and warm. My mum and my boy had a chinese tonight, hope you all enjoy your chinese tomorrow. Now talking of scoff, my mate Boris had a tale to tell, yesterday his TL and the Mrs had a lasagne for their dinner and there was a lot left over for their boy, well, it seems that while his TL and Mrs was eating theirs, Boris decided he better do a quality control on this here lasagne stuff, anyways he wasn't sure so he kept going until it was all gone. Well no one would have known that Boris ate it if he hadn't gone in the living room with gravy stuff all round his face, now Boris is the same colour as me so gravy stuff does tend to stand out round your moosh. Anyways, Boris really enjoyed it and it definitely passed his quality control standards. Hope you all enjoy your nightcaps and shortbread tonight and have a safe and pleasant journey back to Gretna tomorrow. Take care all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Wishing you a Safe and pleasant journey home. Cold and windy here. Heating is ON. Xxx
