Friday 2 October 2020

Us again!

 Hello Woofers!

Here we are back again. Sorry we have missed a few reports but we have been looking after Old Two Legs who hasn't been his normal self, but now he is back and firing on all cylinders we can get the computer out again!

Well, where were we, Oh yes, Scotland. One of the things we never understood was why The Missus takes so much crafting stuff. I mean, there she is, messing about in the awning sloshing ink and glitter all over the place, then chatting to the other campers and telling them just how talented she is!

I mean, all that means there isn't enough time in the day to come swimming with us!

   Tell Your Fortune Dearie?

 Talk about the swimming and the beach, well it wasn't as crowded this year, I mean, we could see from Carradale to Arun and didn't spot anything on two or four legs!


 OTL sat up a couple of nights to see if he could get a good shot of the Milky Way but to be honest, he had left the Fish Eye Lens at home so he missed out on a big wide panoramic vista!

  Next time he will bring the correct lens!

 It was great fun having loads of walks on the beach 'cos I could go in swiming every time the tide was in. Of course there was the stream which always had water in it so OTL could throw sticks in and then in I would go making as much of a splash as possible!


 It get's deeper in the middle!

 Of course, Holly didn't want to get her paws wet so she kept pinching my stick whenever I got  back to shore!


 Mine, Mine,Mine, Mine,Mine, Mine,Mine, Mine,Mine, Mine,Mine, Mine,Mine, Mine,Mine!

 There is one thing about our holiday, TM and OTL always seem in a happy jolly mood!

The ferrets got walks along the sea shore and up at the high tide mark where there was plenty of grass to ferret around in and holes to sniff out. Eric said that he chased several monsters out from those holes but we thing he was telling porkies!

Eric describing just how big the monsters were and how there were so big they wouln't fit in the cage!

One of the problems with Eric is that he always gets into trouble without meaning to, I mean, all he had to do was walk along the back of the chair but he still managed to pull the wires out of the socket!


 One of the dramatic things about Scotland is the weather. The saying is, 'If you don't like the weather, just leave it for half an hour and it will change' and to prove it, this happened over a period of twenty minutes!


 First it came over a bit dark with some clouds galloping after the sunshine, then suddenly.......


 Believe it or not, there is a rain shower behind that Rainbow and as quick as a flash the sky lit up!


 Then as soon as it appeared, it disappeared and we were all back to normal again!

Leaving TM in the awning sloshing the ink about, OTL took us out for a trip in the car up the coast a bit. We had fun climbing over the rocks and splashing through the streams the to be honest were just a little deeper than puddles!


 Driving slowly down a single track road we spotted a pheasant in the field to the side of us, Holly reckons we should chase it 'cos pheasant tastes good when it's plucked and stuffed!


 OTL said that there was no way Holly would be allowed out to do such a thing and anyway we could see Mrs Pheasant sitting on the wall giving us the old 'Hairy Eyeball'!

Fancy getting Plucked & Stuffed do you?

I must admit, that Mrs Pheasant looked mean enough to sort Holly out! We headed back to the campsite and we all enjoyed an hour or so sitting on the beach watching the tide come in.

Those boats were here last year!

One of the things about our holidays is that OTL doesn't want the ferrets and us woofers charging about the caravan when he is in the middle of cleaning the cages, so, just to keep him happy Holly and I have to sit on the bed until the cleaning is done!

I spy a ferret!

Mind you, when it is all done and the ferrets are put back in the cage, Holly and I get a present of a chew and boy do we both love a chew!

Just watch this!

Now, all this holiday stuff and OTL not feeling well we missed out on wishing Archie Babes TL a Happy Birthday, so, better late than never we present this ditty for her delectation!

On the count of nine...........One.........6............and............... NINE!

Happy Birthday Archie's Mum
Does your car go Brumm, Brumm
Birthday Cake makes your Tum, Tum
Blow rasperries out your Bum, Bum! 

and not even a mention of Poo!

I'm going to have a lay down now cos my brain hurts!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!


  1. Yo maties. Well I did miss you, I thought perhaps you'd found a new boyfriend on your holibobs. My mum loved the song you made up, it's very good. We loved seeing all your lovely pictures, specially the ones with you and Holly chops in. That Eric is a right pickle. We're glad to hear OTL is back to his normal self now. My mum was looking at the picture with the tipple in it, now my boy bought my mum a bottle of pink champagne for her birthday so she's been having regular snorts of it. I had loads to tell you but I've forgot most of it. We've had a very rainy day here today, my mum keeps asking me if I want to go out but I've decided it's much to wet out there for me. My boy has joined a gym and has been going a couple of times a week in an effort to shift a stone or 4. Mrs TM looks like she really could tell fortunes, she could have earned a few bob while she was away. Well I better go and get some scoff. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Lovely to see you back. Sorry to hear OTL was poorly, but glad to know he's feeling better now.

    Great shots of your hol. Brilliant weather photo's. Glad you're all home safe.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
