Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Missus is spreading the (Inky) Gospel

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

Well, we have been having some fun and games here. You see The Missus is almost paranoid regarding this Covid19 thing wot is rampaging around the country, plus she is missing seeing all her mates at the Village Hall Bash!

Well, she has decided to set up a meeting 'online' using this Zoom program. This means that instead of doing her videos with no immediate feed back, using Zoom she can do the demo then monitor what everyone is doing.

Sounds all complicated and very technical but she has put information up on her FaceAche Page that will give you all the information you need!

Eric came out with us this morning on our walk around the golf course, he had a great time digging in the sand bunkers that were all overgrown but he still enjoyed shoveling the sand into piles!

Miss Wendy said that too much exercise interferers with her sleep pattern and she is best left at home!

OTL has been fiddling about with the 'Little things' like washing the caravan water tank and flushing the system! He has come back with some stuff to seal up the roof vent and I did see a couple of bags of Chicken Strips in his arms as he came in the door after doing a bit of shopping!

Holly and I have been chasing that Black and White cat that hides in the plants under the bird feeders and tries to catch the birdies! Holly and start howling as we charge up the garden and it is so funny to see that cat take off vertically and over the fence!

Talking of fences, we are suposed to have a new fence panel delivered on Friday, with any luck! 

Tomorrow OTL plans to get the high pressure hose out and give the ferret cage a good blasting, he has been promising it for some time, the only problem is where to hide the ferrets while he does it!

No pictures today, sorry, maybe tomorrow providing the ferrets get cleaned!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Good luck to TM doing the Zoom thingy.

    Good luck to OTL getting ready for the holiday.

    Good luck to you and Holly getting the cat!


  2. Yo maties. Now I've had a thought, since the ferrets don't seem to get the same grooming treatment as you and Holly chops, you know, being put in the shower and then blasted afterwards, why don't OTL leave them in the cage and do a 3 for one job. Good thinking eh? Now talking of being blasted, I've been drowned, blasted, brush, combed and clipped to within an inch of my life today. I'm not a happy chappie. Now talking of not happy chappies, my mum's not a happy chappie either, now I told you about the gas man yesterday, well when my mum went out to shut the garage up, she noticed our meter is just about 2 foot off the floor, now this means it's right behind the back of the car, so reading it means that she will have to move the car and bend right down to see wot numbers are on it. She is not happy at all and so she fired off an email to the gas company and this morning along comes a gas type chap, well my mum told him and showed him the booklet wot they sent out when they said they were coming to do all this work and it said, they might move the meter to an outside wall, ours was on an outside wall and now it's on an inside wall, they also said they would discuss any move of the meter before they moved it, now the first my mum knew of the move was when she went to put the car away and shut the garage door. My mum has had steam coming out of her ears all day now. Now, add to all that my boy came home and she was telling him about her headache and the lady 2 doors down also had a headache and do you know wot he said ...... he said, I don't think if you write in to the twilight zone, they agree that there is a conspiracy because 2 ladies in the same street have a headache ....... then he said wots for tea ....... hmmmmmm..... wot ever it is it will be something steamed. I'm staying out the way for the moment and let them 2 have their fight. My mum is very excited about Mrs TM's online classes even though my mum hasn't zoomed before. Apparently if Mrs TM doesn't like zoom, google do their own version as well, so paws crossed it all goes smoothly cos otherwise my mum will be nagging my boy to get her set up for her online class. I think I'll go and have a snack while it's quiet in the kitchen. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (I'm saying nuffin) Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
