Thursday 10 September 2020

Packing for the Hols!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

You can tell things are begining to happen. This morning Eric came out with us and had a great time digging in the sand bunker. He got really grubby and had sand and rabbit poo all over his head!

Of course, when Holly and I tried to have a roll all we got was warning noises from Old Two Legs!

Back home Holly and I were shut up in the bedroom while OTL took the ferret cages to bits and proceeded to 'De-Poo' the whole thing from top to bottom and side to side!

It was around ten to two that he finally finished and had the ferrets back in their cage.

Now, just to make things interesting, OTL has re-organised the sleeping places and food bowel locations but has left the water in the same locations.

It didn't take long for them to sort it all out and after their marathon rampage around the house, a whole six hours, give or take a few minutes! Wendy spent her time investigating the insides of the chairs and under the TV while Eric followed OTL around and kept getting in the way.

One thing was interesting to see. While the cage was in bits, Eric had the urge to do a poo, so, he climbs into the shower while it is pouring down onto OTL's arms while he is brushing the mesh on the cage walls. 

Eric climbs over OTL's hand, raises his tail and does an enormous poo that only a ferret can do!

Well, Eric got wet and the poo got washed down the plug hole!

OTL picked Eric up and started to dry his back and also gave his butt a wash as well!

Finally it was all done, except the clearing up, and Holly and I headed off to the sea side for our walk!

Before we left home, both ferrets were fast asleep in their beds, snoring their tails off!

I think I've found a Ferret Poo!

Back home we have started to get out our holiday stuff, you know, Chicken Strips, plastic balls, knotted rope balls, rolls of kitchen paper (for the ferret cage) and our doggy towels!

We have got some tinned doggy food on order as we can't take our normal frozen doggy food 'cos the freezer compartment isn't that big in the caravan!

Tomorrow we start loading up the caravan and OTL has promised to have a haircut and get his beard trimmed, which as far as OTL is concerned, is the same thing, you know, clippers set on No.1 and shave everything off!

It's a pity that the gas meter got put on the floor. In fact anyone mounting it that low has got to be stupid! Mind you OTL managed to get a hassle free meter reading system.

He don't read the meters any more!

His gas and electricity supplier installed one of these 'Smart Meter' and it has a SIM telephone card installed so that the supplier can dial in and get a correct reading whenever they want. Better still it didn't cost anything to get it installed!

Mind you, we have got to have some idiots in the world 'cos if there were no idiots how would we feel superior!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Sounds like OTL was very busy today. Looks like a great walk in the lovely weather. Exciting that the holiday looms. Xxx

  2. Yo maties. Well wots this about Eric doing a humungous poo? I hope it doesn't block the drain. I was in bed last night when you posted, I did wait up a bit but then my mum said I had to go to bed. It doesn't seem fair that OTL lets the ferrets get all sandy and sniffy but you and Holly chops aren't allowed. I'm pleased to hear your packing is going well, just keep an eye on Mrs TM cos she might just take some of your stuff out to get her stuff in. Now my mum has heard about these smart meters, but since she changes her suppliers like she changes her knickers, she's heard that sometimes they don't work when you get a new supplier so she hasn't been too keen to get one yet. I think OTL should let you and Holly lose with the clippers. Smashing picture of you both. Take care and have a good day all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
