Tuesday 20 October 2020

It's Tuesday again!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Not a bad day today, no rain but there was enough dew this morning to wet my tummy as we dived into the grass!

Holly found a good sniff and then lost it all as she rolled in the wet grass next to the sniff, I mean, what a waste of a sniff!

Eric has been lively today, rattling the cage door, all for a slurp of Ferretone before he went off chasing Miss Wendy around the lounge.

Today Old Two Legs set up the camera so it takes colour photos, see, the things we do for Archie Babe, and we thought he was colour blind!

We have spent most of the day alternating between sleep and weeing, even Holly joined in the 'Wee around the garden' where I wee in twenty places without running out of wee until the last weeing spot!

Later this week they are promising rain, just when we go out, so tomorrow it will be 'Rain Coats' and 'Speed Weeing'!

Eric and Wendy are OK, you see they have special spots in their cage for a wee and a poo, it's a ferret thing.

When they are out of their cage there are spots that have some kitchen towels on the floor in special places where they 'Mark', so OTL knows where to go to tidy up after them!

Eric is very good at finding these places and sometimes he will rush into the office, dive into the cage, do a wee and a poo inside the cage, then run out again to hunt Wendy!

All of this is done while OTL is on his knees, half way in the cage scooping up last night’s whoopsies!

Tomorrow we have a Heating Engineer arriving to replace some bits in our boiler, under guarantee. That means OTL will be up in the loft with the man so we get to enjoy a long snooze!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well wot a really nice picture of Eric in full colour, he has such pretty colours on him. The weather here is dry now but this morning it was raining so I declined to go for a walk. I've had a nice snoozy day, specially when my boy went to work and my mum went shopping, I had some real peace and quiet. My mum says I've got a busy day tomorrow with 2 appointments, now the first one is my medication check up at the vets but she won't say wot my lunchtime appointment is, now I've got a sneaky idea. I've got some favourite spots in the garden for weeing as well, my most favourite is at the bottom of the little tree, then up some of the planters is another good place. I also like cocking my leg up on the fence on one side of the garden. My mum has got a nice sniffy casserole in the oven for when my boy comes home late tonight. Me and my mum were going to do lots of jobs today but in the end we just did the washing and a bit of hoovering with the cordless broomstick. We don't know where the day went. Anyways, hope the engineer chap sorts the boiler out tomorrow. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
