Monday 19 October 2020

We love Mondays!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

You know there is one good thing about Mondays, we get an extra hour in bed!

Well, Holly, Old Two Legs and I do, The Missus is still up at some silly hour of the clock!

Even if we did roll out of bed for our morning walk around seven thirty, we saw the fox again and this time we chased it all the way down the third fairway, which is a par four, and lost it in the brambles, again!

Back home we were presented with a big bowl of freshly roasted chicken, Yum Yum!

Unlike poor Archie Babe, we didn't need to nick it cos TM made it just for us!

 Most of the day it has been blue skies and breezes and we even saw a couple of woofers, there was Buddy the Bozo and a funny looking thing that seemed to be a cross of at least half a dozen woofers!

OTL tried to get a funny shot of Holly.The problem is, he couldn't find the controls to merge two photos together, so you will have to make do with these for now!

It was going to be a Holly Sausage Dog but you can't win them all!

OTL keeps trying to get a photo of both of us, facing him, with the sun on our face but Holly gets all shy and to be honest, I get fed up with waiting!

 So this is a 'Normal' shot of Holly and I, we call it the 'Butt Shot'

There's nothing better than a shot of a waggly tail!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well wot a luverly pair of butts they are. I liked the Holly chops sausage dog one as well, I can use my imagination to think of wot it would be like if OTL had managed to stick it together. I was made to get up at silly o clock, I don't like Mondays, thank goodness it's Tuesday tomorrow and I don't have to get up early. Now my boy is on lates this week so we can all have a bit of a lay in cos he don't start work until 10.30, only thing is, he don't come home until late so that means I have to wait for our wrestle. Now he's working all night Saturday night so I won't get my tuck in bed and night night kiss. Never mind, my mum says she'll tuck me in and give me lots of kisses...... ewwwww not sure I like my mum kissing me, I'm a boy and boys don't like mummy kisses. That bowl of chicken sounds good to me but I'm allergic to chicken, never mind, I'll snag a bit of smoked salmon next time my mum gets some cos I don't seem to be allergic to that. Mind, you don't really get hot smoked salmon, ahh well can't have everything I suppose. I have to go for my medication check on Wednesday so that'll be fun, all those cuddles at the vets. Now watch out for that fox cos they have mange wot makes you itchy, you don't want to get the itches. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
