Tuesday 27 October 2020

Missed the rain again!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back with you again!

Tomorrow we have asked Old Two Legs to take a picture of all the leaves in the back garden, providing it's not pouring with rain!

We have a tree with red leaves and another with green leaves that have turned yellowish with a bit of red thrown in and of course the ivy is still green!

We were expecting the rain to be pouring down this morning but we got away with just some light rain.

Sorry to read that Archie Babe's Two Leg wasn't feeling too good, maybe she has been eating the acorns again?

The Missus has been hanging out the washing today but what with the rain and all that, it seems the washing is wetter than it was when she first hung it out on the line!

Once again, OTL found a 'Window' in the rain and off we went for our lunchtime walk.

With all the rain, the leaves were getting blown off the trees onto the ground where they looked rather pretty.

It may look pretty but it makes your eyes go wobbly!

Even going through the woods, the leaves were still there on the ground. Now, I like colour in the woods, but I prefer Springtime with the flowers rather than the Autumn.

Holly says that she prefers the Autumn 'cos the sniffs are all soggy. You can see that as she tends to hang about sniffing the sniffs while OTL and I have to wait for her to catch up!

OTL likes to play tricks with Holly and I as we head off to the sea front. There are four paths we can choose from and normally we follow OTL as he chooses which path, he fancies taking. 

Today we were ahead of him and took one of our favourite paths that has loads of sniffs on it.

OTL was last in line and today he headed up on the 'Top Path' without telling us. 

So, we wandered along sniffing the sniffs and it wasn't until we came to the point, we had to choose one of three paths that we discovered he was missing!

He wasn't missing really, just hiding behind one of the Two Trees!

I must admit, I had a moment of panic when I couldn't see him but Holly, who had been watching out the corner of her eye, told me where he had gone!

Look, you can see his hat just behind the tree!

That drilling rig, the RAN, is still there, no sign of it moving yet but we are keeping an eye open for any movement.

See you tomorrow.
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties, hasn't it been a cold damp day, now I refused to for my walk today, I don't do wet. I have made a couple of visits to the garden when I was desperate and couldn't hold on any longer, my mum said I'm a wimp but that's not true, it's not kind either. My mum felt much better this morning when we passed the 1 hour to 2 days mark that I could have had a reaction to the conker. Now she knows I'm not going to wobble all over the place or end up on my back with my legs in the air, she's back to her normal harsh self. Do you know she's still making me wear that horrible muzzle when I go out in the garden, how nasty is that. I was laughing though, cos where she cleared up all the leaves on Sunday, the wind and the rain has brought more down so she's going to have to go out and clear up all over again. You know you can find some interesting sniffs and other things lurking under the leaves. Naughty OTL hiding from you, good job Holly chops keeps and eye on him. Shame about Mrs TM's washing,hope she gets it dry soon or OTL will have to be turning his socks inside out. Paws crossed that the rain goes away and we have a dry day tomorrow. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
