Sunday 8 November 2020

A Lazy Sunday!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

We just love Sundays, I mean, what other day can you stay in bed an extra half an hour, woof at the ferrets who are still asleep and go for a walk and not meet anyone?

Mind you, this morning we could hardly see anything on the golf course!

Old Two Legs decided to take his camera with him to catch the sunrise but after putting our harnesses on us and putting his wellie boots on he managed to forget the camera!

That was a shame as he could have taken some 'atmospheric' shots across the golf course. It was lucky that he had his phone with him and that has a camera on it, so, he clicked off this shot.

Talk about 'soft focus'!

Now, that don't look too bad, bearing in mind that it was a wobbly camera phone!

We got home and while Holly and I relaxed in the bedroom OTL cleaned the ferret cages and The Missus was busy producing videos for the crafters showing how to do stuff with big brush and a stamp!

She was working on one when someone passed our front door and we started to give it some wellie woofing our tails off. That means we were in trouble and she had to do the whole lot again!

Tomorrow OTL is off to the garage again to get the car fixed so we will have to stay at home watching for him out of the bedroom window!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Looks very foggy where you are. It was cold here but at least it didn't rain, so I agreed to go for a walk. I didn't see any of my mates though. When I got back I was assaulted ..... my mum came after me and trapped me and got a wet flannel out and gave my face a real good scrubbing, honestly, I don't like being wet, I don't like wet flannels either. I had to rub my face round the carpet for ages after. I heard you and Holly chops woofing at the end of Mrs TM's video, I woofed back to you both, I woofed lots of kisses to you both. Hope things go smoothly for OTL tomorrow when he takes the big car to get fixed. Good news, my mum asked her boss if she could have next Saturday off and he said yes, so my mum can have a good day at Mrs TM's online workshop, she's really looking forward to that and I'm going to be sitting right next to her and I might help. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
