Friday 20 November 2020

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back again!

Well, today there was no rain, frost, but no rain!

We were up late today, that's because The Missus had a bad night. She kept on waking up and tossing and turning trying to get back to sleep. Of course, bouncing around doesn't aid getting back to sleep but it does mean that everyone sleeping on the bed gets bounced around and woken up!

It also follows that we over slept by a whole hour and a half!

Being Friday, OTL has been fiddling with bits of paper and computer files so when it got to eleven thirty Holly and I decided we would rescue him from all that rubbish and get him out for a walk!

Down on the sea front we saw a small flock of Brant Geese plodding about on the mud enjoying an early lunch while Holly and I were searching for an interesting sniff!

It's a good job the tide is still out or we would be swimming instead of paddling!

A bit further along the rig RAN was still moored up alongside Sheerness docks. You know it can't be long now before it gets towed out to sea!

New cranes, fresh paint and no lights, it can't be long now!

While we were looking at Sheerness we saw that someone had been at work with a can of spray paint. What are they trying to do, gain some sort of imortality!

Going over the hill and down towards the forest we spotted Poppy, a big bouncy woofer who was chasing a couple of balls. Of course, she kept on running over to OTL with a ball in her mouth and getting him to throw it for her.


I don't like it when other woofers play up to OTL, I mean, he can't help it if he likes woofers and they just play on his weaknesses!

Saturday tomorrow, let's hope the rain stays away!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it was very frosty here this morning, my mum said that the car told her that the road was icy ...... now come on, who ever heard of a car telling wot the weather is. We had rain when my mum came home from work and it's drizzled and rained ever since, so I declined the offer of a walk and I've only agreed to go in the garden a couple of times ..... I don't know why my mum keeps asking me to go out, she knows I don't do wet. I know wot you mean Daisy, about woofers tarting with your TL, they've got their own TL's so they shouldn't be tarting with other woofers TL's. You and Holly chops are so good to OTL to get him away from work and take him for walkies in the fresh air. My mum and my boy have got their appointments to go and get the flu stab on Monday, I bet they both come home moaning. My mum reckons Mrs TM probably was tossing and turning cos she had lots of ideas floating round her noddle for new designs for cards. Mind, it is a bit inconsiderate rocking the bed so that everyone else gets bumped around, my mum does that some nights, I can tell you it's no fun. Take care all and have a lovely warm snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I like a lay in myself . . . So good on you for getting a Friday one.

    Hope you all get a better night's sleep tonight!

    Bit of jealousy going on is there? You have to share OTL a little bit. . . He can't help being a magnet for furry four legs!

