Sunday 22 November 2020

Sunday Sunday.

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

I do love Sunday, it's the one day when we can all be so lazy and not worry about getting jobs done or better still, not doing jobs!

Old Two Legs planned a couple of jobs but in the decided that listening to an audio book was a better idea, especially when he keeps falling asleep and having to rewind the book back to the place where he last remembers hearing. A couple of chapters later he falls asleep again, and so it goes on!

Mind you, I don't mind 'cos it is warm and comfortable snoozing on his lap!

Lunchtime when we went out was interesting cos the tide was out and the view away to the horizon was remarkable clear, in fact it was so clear that we could see both of the WWII gun batteries in the Thames Estuary.


Redsands Fort on the right and left is Shivering Sands Fort, or it could be the other way around!

 Normally you can't see both at the same time but today it was clear enough!

 We met up with three Sheep Dogs but no sheep, we asked if they had lost them but we think they knew we were having a joke!

We all had a sniff and a run and of course OTL got mugged for a stroke and a tickle behind the ear!

  Have you lost the sheep?

 We came across the Silver Birch trees with considerably fewer leaves on it since we last saw it. A good wind and I think they will all be gone!


Holly and I tried blowing some wind at it but no leaves fell off so we will let the weather try to blow the last leaves off.

Back home again and OTL puts his headphones on and is away with the fairies again, listen, snooze, rewind, listen, snooze, rewind and so on!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties, well it's been a really cold day here so we've been snuggled up in the warm for most of the day, a nice lazy day. I seem to have hurt my leg a bit so my mum said I need to rest it today and if it still hurts tomorrow, she'll take me to the vets. It's quite nice being lifted on and off the sofas, as soon as my mum lifts me off I say I want to get on again and when she lifts me on I tell her I want to get off again ..... it's good keeping her on her toes. We watched Mrs TM flinging the glue again today, she does a right good job. Lovely pictures, it's nice to meet up with friendly woofers. My mum is going to work in the morning but only for a little while. Take care all and have a nice snoozy evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
