Wednesday 11 November 2020

Where are the spiders hiding?

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

Old Two Legs was late in getting up today and I had to wake him up. Let's face it, a cold wet nose in his ear works a treat!

Eric was banging around his cage, waking Wendy up, who then told him off and went back to bed again!

Eric hadn't been out with us for a couple of days and was looking forward to some digging in the sand pit!

The sun was up and above the horizon but there was enough colour to make it look interesting, mind you, hiding the sun behind a tree added to the effect!

There now, that's better but not perfect!

About half way around the golf course we heard a load of woofing coming from way we had just come, so we all stood still and watched in case there was any danger from Big Hairy Woofers who might cause us trouble!

Eric said he could hear the woofers but couldn't see a thing, mind you, being short of leg doesn't help!

 He did come up with a good idea, he got OTL to lift him up and surveyed the area from OTL's shoulder then announced that there were no woofers to be seen!

A bit further on we could see the light shining on what looked like a sea of spider’s web, all covered with wet dew that came from melted frost!

Hey! That looks really strange, a sea of spiders! I think we should keep to the path!

Mind you, when we got close it looked all misty and really strange. We all stayed away, even Eric, who was more interested in trying to dig a hole in the path so he could wear down his claws!

Most of today has been spent snoozing in OTL's office and pinching some of the ferrets Chicken Strips that Eric loves!

Let's hope OTL will wake up a bit earlier tomorrow, that way we could see the sunrise, providing of course that it is not raining!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Wot smashing pictures today. We had some good news, Alfie Puggle came through his op, went into intensive care for the night and this morning, the nurses were trying to stop him from running round when they let him out of his cage, he can come home this evening. It's been a chilly day here today, I did go for a walk but I turned round half way and wanted to go home, then when I got halfway home, I turned round to go back, my mum was moaning at me. I got my boy into trouble to day, I told my mum he was being too rough with me when we was wrestling when she put the rubbish out, it's quite funny to watch my mum telling him off. I have to say, I don't blame OTL for staying in bed a bit longer, I mean who wants to get out of a nice warm cosy bed when it's cold and dark outside. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
