Monday 14 December 2020

Still no sunrise today

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Another weekend finished and it's back to work again! 

All this house guarding and woofing at the Tesco Man delivering to next door! 

Of course, delivering so early and us woofing starts Old Two Legs off woofing at us to cut the noise down!


Mind you, OTL thought there might be a sunrise this morning and took the camera out with him but unfortunately it was a bit of a disappointment. All we saw was a little discolouration behind the trees and cloudy sky!

Never mind, there is always tomorrow!

You know, those containers are full of liquid frozen gas, that'll make a bang if it ever goes off!

OTL was out this morning delivering stuff to one of his customers but on the way home he stopped off at the Doggy Shop and brought some Christmas Chews for Holly and I and some terrible squeaky rubber balls for Eric and Wendy.

Now, you may ask how we know what he had in the shopping bag, we got noses that can sniff a chew three hundred feet away and squeaky rubber balls make our eyes water!

Our lunchtime walk was pleasant but there was only one container ship coming in up the Thames

There was also a small boat that looked like it was RNLI, but we were too far away to be sure.

Still, it was gentle and sunny so we didn't mind the walk.

Well, it was a container ship, not very big as container ships go but all the containers looked the same.

OTL keeps promising us a shampoo and set but he has been too busy, so we may get away with it yet!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well the weather here has been horrible all day, cold, wet and a breeze that could take your eyebrows off. Now this afternoon was good, some chap came to the door and left a big box on the doorstep ..... well, I helped my mum carry it in the kitchen and then I set about having a really good sniff of it ....... do you know wot I sniffed? Well I told my mum that I could sniff woofer and ferret, to be precise, I could sniff Daisy, Holly chops and Wendy and Eric, and I could sniff Mrs TM and OTL ........ I said the box was so big it wouldn't surprise me to find Daisy and Holly chops inside hiding. My mum said I was being silly cos no way would OTL pack a Daisy or a Holly chops, but maybe Wendy and Eric had snuck in and fallen asleep without OTL realising. I keep listening to see if I can hear and rustling ..... so far, I reckon they must still be asleep cos I can't hear them. Thank you all very much for the box and my mum said that when Santa Paws comes, I can have a peep inside the box. Now my mum fancied fish and chips for dinner tonight, so off she went to the fish shop while I looked after my boy to keep him out of trouble, when she came back she was moaning cos she hurt her ankle on a pot hole in the road and she hurt her back trying not to fall down, I'm sorry I missed it cos I bet it was funny watching her wobbling all over the place. My boy is off to the gym tonight, I still can't see that he weighs any less though. Nice pictures today, shame about the sunrise though. Me and my mum are planning a nice lay in tomorrow, although she reckons she needs to get over town early to the bank and then do a bit of Xmas shopping. Now you need to tell OTL that you can't alert him to people wot shouldn't be about unless you woof. I mean that's wot guard woofers are supposed to do. My mum has got her feet up with a glass of brandy, so I'm going to have a pre bed snooze. Take care all and have a nice snuggly evening and thank you all again. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Shame about the lack of a sunrise. You and Holly chops ate good guard dogs.
    Thank you for the Christmas card.
    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  3. That was MEANT to say ARE good guard dogs!!!!! Xxx

  4. I was getting worried, we haven't eaten a guard dog for ages!
