Tuesday 15 December 2020

Another Tuesday in Sunny Kent!

 Hello Woofers!

We're back again! Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

It was late getting up today, Old Two Legs had one of his 'Action Man' dreams last night and dreamt he was fighting a JCB Digger with teeth!

It wasn't as though he had been on the whisky either!

Holly reckons he should get down to the vet and get a worming tablet, that should sort him out! 

The Missus has been quiet today, just the occasional grumble when the ink goes all over the card!

You know I never would have thought that crafting could be so fraught!

Eric and Wendy really enjoy themselves chasing around the furniture. OTL has put a load of cardboard tubes of different sizes on the floor and they chase each other in and out of them, right up to the time when Wendy goes flying up one of the smaller tubes while Eric tries to get up the tube and gets stuck!

It's at that point Wendy comes running down the side of the tube, jumps on Erics tail and takes a bite of his tail and runs off 'Dooking'!

All this running around soon makes them tired and it's not long before the pair are cuddled up together under the Doggy Towel snoring their tails off!

Lunchtime we were down the seaside, not a cloud in the sky and the wind had dropped to gentle breeze.

  Not so dramatic today!

 We did spot a couple of ships heading out to sea but other than that it was all quiet.

 An inshore carrier!

 You know, I'll almost be glad when the winter winds come crashing in off the North Sea, it will certainly be a little more exciting especially if it is an on-shore wind!

While living down here in North Kent is all gentle like, it does get a little boring sometimes. I mean, there we are, looking at the weather man telling of high winds, snow on the mountains and flood warnings over the rest of the UK and what do we get?

Sunshine and showers!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.





1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well we've had quite a bright day with some little showers, still quite chilly but when you can sit on the sofa with a snuggly blanket, who cares......... I went to the vets today to get my butt checked and it needed emptying .... so that's a job done before Xmas, do you know, they didn't charge my mum for doing it ...... now if that's their idea of an Xmas pressie, then I would rather have had some scoff, if it was up to me. My mum was very pleased and she even took a pressie with her for the staff cos they are always lovely to me, they give me lots of cuddles and make a fuss of me, even while this virus thingy is going around, I still haven't missed out on my cuddles from the lovely ladies. My mum was up and out early to get to the bank before it got busy over town, then she went off to John Lewis to get some pressies, but they were opening later than their normal time so she came home and went back this afternoon. I gave her a list of things to get for my boy. So today it's been in, out, in, out, in, out and now we're in and staying in, in the warm. My boy will be home a bit later. Tomorrow my mum reckons she needs to go and get some scoff shopping, as long as she gets scoff for me then I'm ok with that. Wendy is a bit of a sneak, waiting until Eric gets stuck then taking a nip of his tail and running away laughing. Nice pictures but they make me feel a tad chilly cos of all that water ..... I think I must be allergic to water. Poor OTL, I hope he didn't fall out of bed while he was fighting. My mum reckons Mrs TM works very hard on her cards, she reckons you have to be quiet to concentrate. Think it's time for me to have a nice plate of scoff then a pre bed snooze. Take care all and stay warm and snuggly. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
