Sunday 31 January 2021

Guess what?

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret back again.

Normally Sundays are great, you know, snoozing, nibbling nibbles and long slow walks across the old golf course, rolling in some sniffs, except that today it was anything like a normal Sunday.

We were up early 'cos Old Two Legs had a funny dream about him chasing Olyphant’s up in the loft!

He does have some strange dreams, I mean, us woofers dream of running in the fields or chasing rabbits or eating, not Olyphant's!

For a change, we were up early enough to see the sunrise which today looked rather dramatic.

It didn't last too long, 'cos some dark clouds came creeping over the horizon and blocking out the sun.

As we walked around the course, we saw the moon was still hanging about, so OTL went all clicky click!

Back home we got a good rub down with our doggy towels and retired to the bedroom to dry off while OTL cleaned the ferret cage.

Lunchtime we were off again but this time we headed down to Grain sea front and the wind was blowing from the south east and as it was high tide the waves were crashing up the sea wall!

Loads of 'white horses' and a rather drafty walk along the sea front!

By the time we got to the point where we head inland must have been the very top of the high tide mark 'cos the waves were crashing on the beach and nearly washing the sand up the sea wall!

Holly decided that she would keep away from the beach today and leave hole digging until another day!

So, that was it, about the only good thing about today was it didn't rain, which we were all grateful about!

Let's face it, cold wind is one thing but cold wind and wet rain is awful!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Y0 maties, there are some days when I'm glad I don't live at the seaside, looking at your pictures, today is one of them. I mean, a woofer could get swept away by them big waves crashing on the sea wall. You couldn't pay me enough treats to walk along there on a day like that. We've had some rain but not a lot, but my mum thinks it's either going to rain again later or maybe even snow. It's been icy cold here. My boy came home from work and we had a good wrestle, then he was making me slide off the back of the sofa so I went and told my mum, my mum told him off and said he's a big bully and he'll get his legs slapped ..... I was laughing my tail off cos I wouldn't mess with my mum. We're having a nice early night on account of work tomorrow and then we'll have a few days of nice snuggly lay ins. Me and my mum watched Mrs TM flinging the glue again today, Mrs TM is an expert in flinging the glue and we love watching her. I heard you and Holly chops having a woof. Did you count the birds in your garden today? Does OTL's oliphant count as a bird? Take care and stay safe all, have a nice snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and all the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. WOW . . . Beautiful sunrise. Good old OTL!

