Saturday 30 January 2021

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, there we go, all these plans by Old Two Legs to wander the sea front with his big camera. We left home in the rain and no camera; we don't take the camera out in the rain.

Back home we were soaking wet and what's more OTL was just as wet!

So, as he couldn't take any photo's outside OTL decided to have a go at photos inside the house, most of the time they were rather boring!

That was until both ferrets got all tired and snoozy after their rampage when he found them asleep in the pinny box.

All together now..................................... 



Lunchtime arrived and we headed out for another walk but it was raining just as hard and when we got to the sea front the wind was beating in from the sea and soaking us all!

No camera, this was done with the phone!

So, as you guess, we didn't hang about and before long we were heading back to the car at double speed time!

Sorry to hear Archie Babe got the grumbles, it's not nice getting them, makes your butt sore!

Holly is looking forward to Sunday, that is because there is Garden Watch on all day. The idea is to sit at the window and count the birds in the garden. Holly loves bird watching and I do the counting so we normally beat OTL and The Missus 'cos they keep breaking off to do something and then come back after the birds have flown off!

Mind you, it doesn't help them when Holly does her woofing and the birds fly off in a panic just before OTL or TM get to the window!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well my grumblies seem to have gone and my butt isn't sore like it was, so that's a bonus and I didn't have to make my mum get up in the night so I didn't have to go out in the rain, so that's a real bonus. It's rained all night and it's rained all day and sometimes it's snowed as well but it's such wet snow that it hasn't landed and stayed. I've been snuggled up in the warm getting lots of cuddles on account of me being poorly the other day and my mum tried to catch up on her snooze. We watched Mrs TM doing her glue flinging today, very nice it was too. Nice picture of Wendy and Eric all snuggled up. I don't think I'll be counting the birds tomorrow, there are just too many, I've only got 4 paws. Good luck to you and Holly chops spotting and counting them though. Right, I'm off for a snack so, take care all and stay safe and have a lovely snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch, the Nippers, Pedro and the Olegs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
