Saturday 9 January 2021

It's Archie Babes Birthday!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

Well now, today is a special day for Archie babe, he is all of nine years old!

Archie has grown up to be a handsome woofer!

So, to celebrate his birthday we have composed this little ditty!

Ready? On the count of nine, here we go........half, three quarters, NINE!

Happy Birthday to you,

Squeeze yer butt and have a poo,

Do a wee on a squirrel,

Happy Birthday to you! 

There you go, you can all hum that tomorrow when you go sniffing lampposts!

 It's been a bit of a strange day down here; this morning was all cold and misty and not very nice at all. We met up with a French Bulldog and a whacking great German Shepherd, both of whom love Old Two Legs but look upon Holly and I as just an extension of breakfast!

Holly and I didn't hang about and we both headed off to the other path and ran away!

We not daft!

Being cold and damp our beds were just what the woofer ordered and we spent all morning snoozing.

Lunchtime it was all different, well, blue skies, a gentle breeze and we met up with Barny and his woofers who were practising finding and fetching the ball and pretending it's a rabbit.

 Barny's the one with two legs!

 We had our dinner early today and after eating it all we decided that a snooze is the best way to finish off dinner, so, we spent most of the afternoon on OTL's lap as he snoozed to afternoon away!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well thank you very much for that birthday song, I love it. I got a nice munchy treat today to help me celebrate. We had a nice morning, we watched Mrs TM and her masterclass of glue flinging, we really enjoyed it and I sat snuggled up on my mums lap, on the sofa while we watched. My mum is feeling a bit betterer today, than she was yesterday, so she's gradually getting less of the grumblies. After we finished watching the masterclass, my mum gave me my munch and then we had a nice siesta together, snuggled on the sofa. This afternoon we've been watching a couple of films and I've been having little snacks. I'm waiting now for my boy to come home and then we can have a nice wrestle, he has to let me win cos it's my birthday and I'm only little. Now wots this about woofers being mean to you when they go to see OTL for a stroke???? I reckon OTL should tell them off and not make a fuss of them. I'm glad you pointed Barney out cos I was wondering which one he was. I agree with you, always nice to have a little snooze after dinner, it helps with digestion. Take care and stay safe all. Have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (birthday boy) Arch, the Nippers and Pedro. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
