Sunday 7 February 2021

Is this the North Pole?

 Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again!

I must say, I'm a little disappointed with the amount of snow that has landed today. I mean, we were told that there will be snow drifts and avalanches all over North Kent but so far all we have seen is ..........

A Blizzard?

When we went out this morning it was raining, how unusual I hear you say! Lunchtime there was a little more than you could see in the photo but still there was more grass to be seen than snow.

What little snow we saw was enough for Holly and I to have a run about and enjoy the odd mouthful as we raced across the golf course!

The weather forecast predicts there will be 'heavy snow' in the next hour, yeah, maybe enough to settle on the ground instead of melting!

As you would guess, the ground is in worse condition and we were worried that Old Two Legs would get his wellies stuck in the mud and we would have to pull him out!

Can you just imagine us having to drag OTL home across the muddy football field!

Holly and I are crossing our claws that there is a little more snow so we can have a play in the garden building a Snow Dig, then we can wee over it and try to write our names!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. It's snowed on and off here most of the day but it disappears as soon as it hits the ground, mind, my mum reckons we might wake up to a white garden tomorrow, I hope not cos I don't do cold, I don't do wet and I certainly don't do cold and wet. Mrs TM said you and Holly chops were enjoying the snow this morning. Me and my mum were on zooooooooooom with Mrs TM and the other ladies,they don't half talk a lot, I was trying to snooze but I kept getting woken up with my mum laughing. We watched Mrs TM this afternoon and her fishes video. We've got light again in our kitchen, so to celebrate my mum cooked a chicken and did spuds, peas and yorkshires and gravy, it smelt delicious, mind my boy didn't look too impressed when he got home and got his dinner, I reckon he'd have preferred a couple of burgers and some chips. My mum said if he's a good boy and he eats his scoff tonight, she'll treat him to some plawn clackers and king plawns tomorrow. My mum feels lots better today, after her jab, see wot a good nurse I am, I stayed stuck to her like a tick to a woofer when she felt dirty dick. I reckon she should have given me a roast dinner for all my looking after her. We'll be up early tomorrow for work and the few days lay in. I was thinking about you and Holly chops dragging OTL home and wot Mrs TM would say, I don't reckon she'd let you bring him in if he was all muddy, wimmin are funny about that sort of thing. Take care and stay safe all, have a lovely evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
